CPX4 AC-PLC Evaluation Kit M02D2 RTK0EE0009D02001BJ
Interface Specifications
R30UZ0165EJ0100 Rev.1.00
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July 01, 2021
Table 3-1 Usages of connectors, JPs, and SWs for AC-PLC board
Connector, JP, SW name
SW9, SW10
SWs for boot setting switching
SW for UART-USB switching
SW for MCU Enable/Disable switching
Reset SW
JP1, JP2, JP3, JP4, JP5, JP6, JP7
JPs for connection switching between UART_SROM interface and SPI
JP for switching external reset function via USB
Connector for JTAG of CPX4
Connectors for AC-PLC communication
Connector for power supply
USB connector for serial communication
CN6, CN7
Connector for RX651MCU board connector
3.1.2 LED (LED1, LED2, LED3, LED4)
AC-PLC board contains several LEDs that indicate the state.
LED for PLC modem LSI signal: LED indicating the state of PLC modem LSI (2 locations)
LED1: When sending packets *3
LED2: When packets are received *3
Note *3: Depends on Boot F/W port-setting
Power-side LED: LED indicating power supply status (2 locations)
LED3: Lights when power is supplied to the 3.3V power supply.
LED4: Lights when power is supplied to the 15V/12V power supply.
3.1.3 JP1, JP2, JP3, JP4, JP5, JP6, JP7 for connection switching between
UART_SROM interface and SPI interface
JP1 to P7 are the connection switching between UART_SROM interface and SPI interface. The factory default is
UART_SROM interface. Table 3-2 shows the switching setting of JPs.
Table 3-2 UART_SROM/SPI interface switching setting.
Jumper setting
UART_SROM (factory default)
JP1to JP7 are short-circuited to 1-2.
JP1to JP7 are short-circuited to 2-3
3.1.4 JP for Inductor switching (JP8)
JP8 is a jumper for switching the inductor to the transmission power. JP8 is used when the inductor in the transmission
power line is open, and is unused when the inductor is short-circuited. Note that JP8 is inside the enclosure that protects
the primary circuitry. The cover is labeled with a JP8 inside the cover.
When using a CENELEC-A band, using an inductor for the transmit output improves the transmit output (several dB)
in a low-load-impedance state. This inductor also has an adjusting function to satisfy the impedance standards of
EN50065-7. On the other hand, in FCC band, using an inductor for the transmit output can cause band degradation,