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- 4 - 

the installer can either cut a 14” hole between the rafters or cut a 19” hole with the 
roof rafter running through the cut hole.



Step 3 

The Solar Attic Fan must be installed between roof rafters. Do not cut through any framing 

member. With a reciprocating saw, cut the diameter of the hole. 


Step 4 

With razor knife, cut a 4 inch through the shingles and tar paper. On opposite sides of the flashing, 

This provides the footprint for the flashing to be inserted under the shingles. 


Step 5 

Remove any roofing nails in the area where the base will be slid under the shingles. 


Step 6 

Lay a bead of Silicone Sealant around the base of the flashing. 


Step 7 

Slide the flashing underneath the tar paper and shingles. Adjust the flashing up until the shingles 

come into contact with the raised portion of the flashing. The bottom side of the flashing will be 

on top of the shingles. 


Step 8 

  Position the four screws around the flashing. Two screws go on either side, and the remaining 

two go on the top and bottom. The side screws should go underneath the shingles. The top and 

bottom screws should go on top of the shingles. 


Lay a bead of Silicone Sealant over each fastener head and along the edges to seal shingles to the 

base or roof decking 


Step 9 

Lay a bead of Silicone Sealant along the edge of the shaft base to insure a waterproof seal 


Step 10   

Remove the foam protective cover and adjust the panel. Use the screws and nuts to fasten the 


