Quinta 45/65
1. Please ensure that the mains power supply is isolated before components are dis-
connected from the boiler for maintenance.
2. Care should be taken when stripping the boiler for maintenance making sure that all
parts nuts, washers and gaskets etc. are kept safe, clean and dry.
3. Following cleaning, the boiler should be re-assembled in the reverse order re-pla-
cing gaskets and joints where found necessary.
4. All general cleaning should be carried out with a soft brush or damp cloth to avoid
damaging components. (Solvents must not be used).
5. If parts are found to be badly contaminated please check that the plant room is kept
clean and free of dust etc.
6. Heat exchanger access hatch securing nuts to be tightened using an M6 spanner of
the correct length to a max. torque of app. 7.5 Nm.