User Manual RelAir R2M · 07/2018 · VERSION 1.1
3 M-Bus Telegrams of registered meters
The RelAir R2M simulates all counters registered in the whitelist. They can either be selected
and read out via their primary address (if configured with the parameterization software
RelAirConf) or secondary address. The gateway always keeps the last received wMBus
telegram from the registered meters ready. If necessary, the telegram is decrypted and
packaged in an M-Bus compliant telegram.
Example (Read direct by primary address 0x05):
REQ_UD2: 10 7B 05 80 16
Note: If you want to use primary addressing, you must program a unique address for each
transmitter using the RelAirConf tool.
Example (Read by secondary address
00h 11h 22h 33h ACh 48h B8h 07h
68 0B 0B 68 53 FD 52
00 11 22 33 AC 48 B8 07
BB 16
REQ_UD2: 10 7B FD 78 16
Note: The secondary address is automatically taken from the received Wireless M-Bus telegram.
There are three possible response telegrams, which are described on the following pages: