This product includes an installer which will help you with the installation of the product. Please
follow the detailed instructions below to install and register your license to begin using this
1. Be sure to read the provided PDF manual before you begin using this product. It contains
detailed information regarding the MIDI Setup procedures required to successfully connect to
your computer and synthesizer.
2. Run the VST-AU_MKS-80_Editor.msi installer file. This will install the VST and Standalone
application and related files to the following folders on your computer:
For 32-bit Windows operating systems:
VST: c:/Program Files/Common Files/VST2/reKon audio/VST-AU MKS-80 Editor/
Standalone: c:/Program Files/reKon audio/VST-AU MKS-80 Editor/
For 64-bit Windows operating systems:
VST: c:/Program Files (x86)/Common Files/VST2/reKon audio/VST-AU MKS-80 Editor/
Standalone: c:/Program Files (x86)/reKon audio/VST-AU MKS-80 Editor/
*Note that this product is a 32-bit product and is not designed to run natively in 64-bit DAW
3. Place your provided license key (.rkl file) into each of the folders from step 2 to begin using
the product.
1. Be sure to read the provided PDF manual before you begin using this product. It contains
detailed information regarding the MIDI Setup procedures required to successfully connect to
your computer and synthesizer.
2. Run the VST-AU_MKS-80_Editor.pkg installer file. This will install the VST, AU and
Standalone application and related files to the following folders on your computer:
AU: [installed location]/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/reKon audio/VST-AU MKS-80 Editor/
VST: [installed location]/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/reKon audio/VST-AU MKS-80 Editor/
Standalone: [installed location]/Applications/reKon audio/VST-AU MKS-80 Editor/
*Note that you may need to copy the VST and Component folder files to your [User/Library/
Audio/Plug-Ins/ folder for your host to be able to find them.
3. Place your provided license key (.rkl file) into each of the folders from step 2 to begin using
the product.
MIDI Setup
It is assumed that the user is familiar with the basic functionality of the hardware synthesizer, it's
operators manual and the basic concept of MIDI itself. Without this knowledge, utilizing the
editor may be a bit more challenging to set up and use properly. By familiarizing yourself with
the operators manual and the MIDI standards, and following the instructions in this manual, you
should be able to get up and running in a short amount of time.
STEP 1: Setting Up the MKS-80
Make sure you have your midi ports and channels set up and matching properly and that all
cables are working and connected properly.