General Safety Instructions
Care and Diligence of the User
The glue applicator has been designed and fabricated
in conformity with the applicable harmonized standards
and additional technical specifications. So, it is state of
the art and ensures maximum safety.
This safety, however, can only be achieved in the
operational practice, if all the necessary measures are
taken. The user of the equipment shall be obliged to plan
these measures and to make sure that they are taken.
In particular, the user shall ensure that
● the applicator to be used is in good working condition.
● the personal protective equipment (protective gloves,
safety goggles) required for the operating personnel
is available and used.
● the operating instructions are in legible condition and
available to the operator.
● only sufficiently qualified and authorized personnel
operates and maintains the applicator.
● this personnel is regularly instructed in the applicable
regulations of operational safety and environmental
protection and knows the operating instructions and,
in particular, the safety instructions.
Making the Information Available
This operating manual shall always be kept at the place
of operation of the applicator. Be sure that all persons
handling the applicator can consult the instructions
at any time. In addition to this operating manual, there
must be available instructions regarding legal and other
mandatory regulations relating to accident prevention
and to relevant requirements of the employers‘ liability
insurance association.
Safety Symbols
This operating manual gives concrete safety instructions
to alert the user to remaining unavoidable hazards.
These hazards imply dangers to
● persons
● product and equipment
Meaning of the Symbols used in the Manual
This symbol indicates that there is, above
all, danger to persons, but also to
equipment and material.
Caution: hot surface!
Accident Prevention Regulation VBG 125 –
W26 Hot surfaces such as machine parts,
tanks or materials, but also hot liquids
cannot always be perceived. The utmost
caution is advised when this symbol is
attached to a component. Wear protective
gloves whenever you have to touch hot
To avoid accidents lay the cables so that
they will not cause any risk of stumbling.
Wear protective gloves and safety goggles
whenever you work with the applicator.