Tel: +44 (0)1291 620796 www.reidlifting.com
All users must read these operating instructions
carefully prior to the initial operation. These
instructions are intended to acquaint the user with the
and enable him/her to use it to the
full extent of its intended capabilities.
The operating instructions contain important
information on how to handle the davit in a safe,
correct and economic manner. Acting in accordance
with these instructions helps to avoid dangers, reduce
repair costs and down time and to increase reliability
and lifetime of the davit.
Anyone involved in doing any of the following work
with the
must read the operation
instructions and act accordingly:
Operation, including preparation, trouble shooting
during operation and cleaning
Maintenance, inspection, repair
Apart from the operating guide, health & safety and
accident prevention act valid for the respective country
and area where the equipment is used, the commonly
accepted regulations for safe and professional work
must be adhered to.
It is incumbent on the user or instigator of work with
the equipment that all users have suitable medical and
physical capabilities. Likewise the competent person
should ensure there is a rescue plan in place in the
event of an emergency that could occur during
the work.
N.B. This document should form an element of the
overriding Risk Assessment and Method Statement
required for each lift.