Our verbal and written advice relating to technical applications is
based on experience and is to the best of our knowledge correct
but is given without obligation. The use of REHAU products in
conditions that are beyond our control or for applications other
than those specified releases us from any obligation in regard
to claims made in respect of the products. We recommend
that the suitability of any REHAU product for the intended
application should be checked. Utilization and processing of our
products are beyond our control and are therefore exclusively
your responsibility. In the event that a liability is nevertheless
considered, any compensation will be limited to the value of the
goods supplied by us and used by you.
Our warranty assumes consistent quality of our products in
accordance with our specification and in accordance with
our general conditions of sale. This document is protected by
copyright. All rights based on this are reserved. No part of this
publication may be translated, reproduced or transmitted in
any form or by any similar means, electronic or mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, or stored in a data
retrieval system.
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Bangkok Tel:
+66 2763-5100
Ho Chi Minh City Tel: +84 8 3823-3030
SINGAPORE - Regional Office for Asia/Australia
1 King George’s Avenue, REHAU Building, Singapore 208557 Tel: +65 6392-6006 Fax: +65 6392-6116
REHAU Branches in Asia/Australia