Dependent upon the control system
configuration it is possible to override all the
automatic functions of the control system
with a single function.
This action can be used for holiday periods
(e.g. to set the whole system into a frost
protection mode), or to temporarily override
all the temperature control of the system.
Below are set out two options.
Option 1
CT2 Programmable Room Sensor set to Channel 0 can be used for
REHAU CT2 clock sensors controlling a group of slave sensors but
do not control actuators. The position of these sensors should be
somewhere central or convenient within the building
Setting this sensor to Channel 0 will control the time and
temperature for the connected group of sensors but the REHAU CT2
clock sensor itself will not control an output.
HolIdAY ovERRIdE FUnctIon
Option 2
Permanent Override
If the system if fitted with REHAU CT2 Programmable Room
Sensor the scheduled 4-event program can be overridden (refer to
permanent override on page 47).