If using a TECMate XL on Model 3.0,
the only
switch necessary to test the motor is the furthest
switch to the right (labeled BK/PWM on the XL or
DH on the Troubleshooter).
When testing is finished, place the TECINspect
switch(es) in the OFF position and wait for
the motor to completely stop. (Based on the
manufacturer’s program, the motor may not shut
off immediately after a test; this is normal).
If the motor operates using TECINspect
Service Tool, both the control module and the
motor module are ok.
The motor may operate at
a reduced speed during the TECINspect test, this
is normal. Turn off the power to the unit, remove
the 16-pin or 4-pin communication harness
from both the motor and the manufacturer’s
control board. Perform a continuity check on
each individual wire of the harness. Some
manufacturers use a different style connector
on the control board side of the harness. Follow
the wires to be sure of checking the proper pins.
Replace the communication harness if any wires
fail the continuity check, if any of the pins are bent
beyond rapair or damaged and check the system
operation again. If the harness is good or a new
harness does not solve the problem, troubleshoot
the communication out of the manufacturer’s
control board with their troubleshooting guide.
Always troubleshoot the communication at the
motor end of the harness.
If the motor does not operate with the
TECINspect Service Tool,
confirm high voltage
(pages 13-14) is present before replacing the
control module. Follow the next section on
“Replacing the ECM Control Module” on page 19.
Содержание genteq ECM