Pantone 485 & 123
485 = (0/100/100/10)
123 = (0/18/100/0)
Panel Description
1- LCD display: 1999 counts LCD display with
LUX, Fc, LOBAT, MAX, HOLD indication
2- Power /Function/Range switch: Turn power ON or OFF
and select measurement function and ranges.
3- Photo Detector: Long life silicon photo diode inside
4- MAX. HOLD: If you press the MAX. button, the maximum reading
will be held. Pressing the button once again, will release the hold and
allow a further measurement.
5- DATA HOLD: The reading will be held when the Data Hold button
Switch is pressed. If the button Switch is pressed once again,
it will release the hold and allow a further measurement.
6- Function button: Selects measurement functions of Lux or Fc
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