RGCOMBO2 Roll Groover
Operator's Manual
Manual Grooving Instructions
1. Situation:
a. Pipe secured to vise: Securely mount pipe vise (chain
type) on a secure stand or workbench. Allow the pipe to
overhange the vise 5 to 12" so the tool will rotate freely
and not contact the vise. (Figure 3)
b. Pipe installed (grooving in place): Verify the pipe hangers
can accommodate the weight of the RGCOMBO2 plus
the manual effort required to operate the tool.
2. Mounting the Tool
a. Retract the upper roller by turning the Feed Screw
b. Insert the Drive Shaft into the pipe with the Groove Roll on
the outside.
c. Draw the rolls closer together by turning the Feed Screw
clockwise until the Driveshaft and Groove Roll contact the
pipe lightly.
d. Notice the "Pipe Direction" arrow etched on the tool slide
(Figure 4)
3. Set Groove Depth
To insure the proper groove diameter, a trial groove should
be performed.
The Adjusting Screw must be set for each diameter of pipe.
a. Loosen Adjusting Screw (counterclockwise) enough
to permit advancing of Groove Roll down to pipe.
b. Advance Feed Screw (clockwise) until Groove Roll
is snug against top of pipe. Be sure Groove Roll contacts
pipe and Adjusting Screw head does not bottom out.
Trial groove pipe should be deburred for best results.
Burr on inside of pipe will raise pipe away from drive shaft,
causing inaccurate set-up adjustment. After proper groove
depth has been verified by trial groove, deburring of follow
ing pipes is not required. See Step 1 of
“Pipe Preparation”.
c. Using the Depth Gauge labeled with the pipe size being
grooved, place Depth Gauge under head of Adjusting Screw
using the flat gauge slot.
d. Advance Adjusting Screw downward until underside
of head touches Depth Gauge.
Depth Gauge.
It may be necessary to readjust Adjusting Screw
after trial groove is made. Each 1/4 turn of Adjusting Screw
will produce a .02” change in diameter of rolled groove.
Tightening Adjusting Screw will increase groove diameter.
Loosening Adjusting Screw will decrease groove diameter.
4. Forming the Groove
a. Advance the Feed Screw the amount specified in Table 1.
b. Using the Socket Extention and Bent Handle Ratchet,
turn the Crankshaft so the pipe feeds into the tool as
indicated by the arrow.
c. Make one complete revolution of the tool around the pipe
before advancing the Feed Screw again.
d. Continue grooving until you reach the desired depth. (The
Adjusting Screw can limit Feed Screw advance see the
section on Adjusting Groove Depth for details).
5. Dismount the tool,
retract the Feed Screw fully, lift and
remove the tool from the pipe.
Figure 3. Pipe Set-up
Figure 4. Pipe Direction