Mechanical Hot Tapping Machine
Operator’s Manual
Operation (NOT using a flanged valve):
Verify all equipment is in good condition. Use only fittings, nipples
and valves pressure rated for the job. Electrical tools and exten-
sion cords must comply with OSHA rules. Using a ground fault
interrupter increases operator safety when using electric power
tools around water and other fluids.
1. Bolt saddle fitting on mainline. Or, weld a threadolet
onto the mainline.
2. Select the proper size hole saw. Verify the hole saw
clears the gate valve bore adequately. Inadequate
clearance can result in damage should the hole saw
contact the valve while sawing.
3. Install shoulder nipple and Branch Valve onto the
fitting (or threadolet).
4. Select the appropriate shaft.
A. For 5/8” to 1 1/8” hole saws, screw directly to the 18” shaft
B. For 1 3/8” to 3 1/4” hole saws, use the #43514 Arbor
on the 24” shaft.
5. Install Hole Saw.
A. 5/8” to 1 1/8” Hole Saws screw directly to the 18” shaft.
B. 1 3/8” to 3 1/4” Hole Saw - insert arbor into the 24”
shaft, tighten set screws. Screw the hole saw on to the
end of the arbor, align barrel pins with holes on hole
saw and turn the upper diameter of the arbor to engage
6. Install coupon retaining drill bit. The end of the wire must
extend past the end of the hole saw to retain the coupon.
Align the flats on the bit with the set screw and tighten.
See Figure 5 to set coupon retaining drill bit.
7. Assemble appropriate bleed-off “T” and branch nipple to the
Main Body. See Figures 1 and 2 for details.
8. A. Apply a thin layer of H1 grease to the shaft before and
B. Loosen the gland nut and install the shaft gently. Use a
while pushing the shaft past the seal in
the Main Body.
C. Tighten the gland nut until snug.
9. Assemble to the mainline the saddle, shoulder nipple,
branch valve and any reducers needed.
10. Pull the shaft as far back as possible into the bleed-off “T”.
11. Attach the boring assembly to the gate valve.
See Figure 1 for details.
12. Install the Bleed-off Valve onto the “T”.
13. Attach hose to Bleed-off Valve for flushing chips to drain
(if desired).
14. Pressure test setup through the Bleed-off Valve.
15. Chuck shaft into drill motor.
• MAKE SURE drill is set in non-hammer mode.
• DO NOT USE impact type drills.
16. Drill until pilot drill penetrates the main line. Verify
seals OK. One can hand tighten the Gland Nut should
fluid leak past the Main Body at the shaft. Do not over
tighten the Gland Nut. (See CAUTION on page 2.)
17. Resume drilling. Use moderate pressure until the hole
saw penetrates the main completely. Reduce the pressure
on the drill prior to break through. Reducing the pressure
before break through reduces the likelihood of the drill
bit and hole saw hitting the back side of the main.
18. Pull the drill and shaft back to the limit, shut the Branch
Valve, open the Bleed Valve and then disconnect the
Boring Assembly from the Branch Valve.
19. Loosen the Gland Nut and remove the shaft with a twisting
motion. Grease the shaft to prevent rusting.
Gland Nut
Sealing Unit
Bleed-Off “T”
Bleed-Off Valve
Shoulder Nipple
Main Line
Branch Size Nipple