When all the digits have been adjusted the display changes again to the one with
two buttons labelled OK and C
. This gives you a chance to change your mind
if you have made a mistake. If everything is correct press OK.
When changing the digits you will notice that only numbers that make sense in any
particular situation are possible. For example, you will not be able to set the date to
the 38th of the month.
Setting letters
Sometimes the display shows you a name that can consist of letters and numbers
that you can change. An example would be a channel name. The method of setting a
name is very similar to that for numbers described above.
The first time the name is shown there will be two buttons labelled OK and C
Press OK if you do not need to change the name at all, otherwise press C
. If
the name has not been set up before you will be shown a blank. There will always be
inverted commas ("...") or square brackets ([...]) to show you where the name will
appear and how long it can be.
If you opt to change the name, a flashing cursor appears under the first character of
the name and the centre and right hand buttons are labelled "-" (minus) and "+"
(plus). The minus button moves backward through the alphabet while the plus button
moves forward. If you hold down either of these buttons it will repeat its action. The
left hand button is labelled OK> and you press this button each time a character is
correct. The cursor then moves to the right, under the next character.
Only the numbers 0 to 9, a blank or space, a full stop (.), an oblique stroke (/) and
uppercase letters A to Z are offered as you move through the alphabet with the
minus and plus buttons. If the name is shorter than the maximum size allowed then
you should leave the remaining characters as spaces and step through each one
with the OK> button.
When all the characters have been adjusted the display changes again to the one
with two buttons labelled OK and C
. This gives you a chance to change your
mind if you have made a mistake. If everything is correct press OK.