Chapter 2 Overview
Redline Communications Inc. Confidential and Proprietary
Maintenance Record Keeping
You need to retain all of this information, as a hardcopy and optionally in electronic format.
Printed versions of all installation settings and measurements as well as regular
maintenance logs should be printed and maintained in a binder or file for quick and easy
reference. This is usually a requirement of your operational license.
All installation and maintenance logs should be dated clearly and contain the name, serial
number and MAC address of the device from which they were obtained.
Establishing Secure, Remote Access
If you have configured a LAN that includes your sector controllers, you need to have the
correct routing in place, you can then log into the AN100U/UX remotely to monitor its status
and change its configuration.
VPN Client
Ideally, you can install a client VPN system on the computer that you are using to monitor
your sector controllers. The VPN client allows you to both monitor and configure your
system remotely.
Refer to the instructions provided with your VPN client software for details on installing and
configuring the software for use. Once the VPN is installed, you should be able to log into
any of the sector controllers using either the CLI or the Web interface.
Table 2-7
Wireless Interface Status Page
RF DL Channel (KHz)
RF Channel Separation (KHz)
Tx Output Power (dBm)
SS Tx Power Control Enable
Reference RSS (dBm)
Auto Rx Gain Enable