Chapter 7 Disaster Recovery
Redline Communications Inc. Confidential and Proprietary
Step 1
If you notice any degradation in signal strength after a wind storm, you will need to verify
the position of your antenna. Refer to your recorded values for antenna placement and
ensure the antenna matches these settings.
Step 2
If the antenna has been damaged, it must be replace as outlined in “Replacing the
Antenna” on page 4-4. Depending on the severity of the damage, you will also need to
replace the RF cable between the radio and the antenna.
Step 3
Ideally, the required replacement items will be among your available spares, possibly
reducing network downtime. See “Planning/Scheduling Equipment Maintenance” on
page 2-14.
Extreme Temperature Exposure
Another factor to consider when preparing your disaster recovery plan is equipment
exposure to extreme temperatures.
Indoor equipment can be protected with heating and air conditioning systems; however the
outdoor equipment may be exposed to both hot and cold temperature extremes.
Additionally high humidity levels can also impact performance if not addressed by proper
installation and routine maintenance.