Installation of the
™ should be performed only by qualified personnel. The following
installation instructions should be thoroughly read and understood before attempting installation.
Alterations to the existing rupture disk vent piping and removal of existing carbon rupture disk are
necessary to install the NRS Series
™ valve. The installer should determine in advance
what tools and materials will be needed.
Federal Refrigerant Recycling Regulations require that the chiller, during
servicing, be either completely evacuated or pressurized to atmospheric pressure (O
psig) prior to opening the refrigerant circuit to the atmosphere. Failure to comply, or
using means other than heat to elevate refrigerant pressure, violates Section 608 of the
Clean Air act.
Discharge Vent Line piping must comply with all applicable codes and
standards. Refer to ASHRAE Standard 15-1992 and equipment manufacturer’s
installation manual for rupture disk and relief valve vent line piping instructions.
DO NOT install an NRS-3 RuptureSeal™ on a 2” outlet relief. Likewise, DO
NOT install an NRS-2 RuptureSeal™ on a 3” outlet relief. The rated flow capacities of
the RuptureSeal™ relief valve apply only when the appropriate Model is used on an
appropriate sized outlet relief.
Installation Steps 1 thru 7
NEVER attempt to install a damaged valve!
The reverse buckling rupture disk cassette comes installed in the relief valve
inlet flange and is retained by a plastic shipping protector. When removing the plastic
protector, be extremely careful not to let the disk cassette fall out. It is extremely
important to understand that the rupture disk membrane is very fragile and must not be
touched. Any dents or irregularities in the crowned area of the disk shall be cause for
rejection. If damaged, the disk will not function as specified.