Redback® Proudly Made In Australia
Redback® A 6514
Two Input Serial Volume Controller
The Redback
A 6514 Serial Volume Controller is controlled by sending serial codes sent in the following format.
The serial data sent has to transmitted at 9600 baud, with the stop bit set to 1, data bits to 8 , parity to none and the
format must be ASCII.
Note: If the Redback® A 6500 wallplate is being used to send the serial codes, set the delay to 100ms.
Setting Output Level
The output level can be set to a given level between 0 (Off) and 79 (maximum).
To set these levels simpy send the code VOLUME? where ? is the number betwen 0 and 79.
The output level can also be increased or decreased by sending the following codes.
Increase Level = VOLUMEUX (where U stands for UP).
The X is the value to increase the volume. e.g VOLUMEU5 would increase the volume 5 steps.
Decrease Level = VOLUMEDX (where D stands for DOWN).
The X is the value to decrease the volume. e.g VOLUMED10 would decrease the volume 10 steps.
Selecting Input
Either Input 1 or Input 2 can be selected by sending the following serial codes.
To select Input1, send the code VOLUME, capital i and the number 1, eg. VOLUMEI1.
To select Input2, send the code VOLUME, capital i and the number 2, eg. VOLUMEI2.
If power to the A6514 is removed, the unit will remember its last Level setting, and which input was selected when power
is restored.
RS485 - RJ45 cabling configuration for system components (586A ‘Straight through’)
System components are connected using “pin to pin” configuration RJ45 data cabling as shown below. When installing
ensure all connections are verified with a LAN cable tester before switching any system component on.
Failure to follow the correct wiring configuration may result in damage to system components.
All Australian made Redback products are covered by a 10 year warranty.
Should a product become faulty please contact us to obtain a return authorisation number. Please ensure you have all the
relevant documentation on hand. We do not accept unauthorised returns. Proof of purchase is required so please retain
your invoice.
Distributed by Altronic Distributors Pty. Ltd. Perth. Western Australia.
Phone: 1300 780 999 Fax: 1300 790 999 Internet: www.altronics.com.au
1 RX+
2 RX-
3 TX +
6 TX-
Straight Through
(both ends)
Pins Face Upwards
1 TX+
2 TX-
3 RX +
6 RX-