Product Code: RLBRK10
Made in China to TQB Brands Pty Ltd specifications
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Prior to each use always conduct a visual inspection checking for leaks and any abnormal
conditions, such as cracked welds, and damaged, loose, or missing parts.
The hydraulic pump may be operated in a horizontal position, or in a vertical position with
the head pointing down as shown.
Assemble the hose between the pump and ram.
Determine the appropriate attachment for your application; assemble the attachment
to the ram piston.
Turn the pump unit release valve clockwise to a closed position.
Work the pump handle up and down to send oil through the hose to the ram, causing
the piston to extend from the ram to the work piece.
The pump is equipped with an overload valve that will bypass oil back into the pump
reservoir in an overload situation (when the system meets maximum pressure). In this
case, continued pumping will have no effort on the system. If an overload situation
commonly occurs, a higher capacity set is needed.
To release pressure, slowly turn the release valve counter clockwise. The release
speed is controlled by how far the valve is opened.
When offset attachments are used, the rated capacity of the hydraulic system is reduced
by 50%. For each extension tube used in the setup, the rated capacity is reduced another
50%. When using two or more extension tubes together, always position the shortest tube
farthest away from the ram.