Product Code: RLBRK10
Made in China to TQB Brands Pty Ltd specifications
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Erratic Action
Air in system or pump
External leakage in ram.
Ram sticking or binding.
Bleed the system
Contact service centre
Contact service centre
Ram will not extend, or
respond to pressurised fluid
Overload condition.
Loose / Faulty couplers
Oil level in pump is low
Remedy overload condition
Tighten/replace couplers
Fill and bleed the system
Ram extends only partially
Oil level in pump is low
Overload condition
Ram is sticking or binding
Pump malfunction
Fill and bleed the system
Remedy overload condition
Contact service centre
Contact service centre
Ram moves slower than
Air in system or pump
Loose connection or coupler
Restricted hydraulic line or
Pump not working correctly
Ram seals leaking
Bleed the system
Tighten connection or
Clean and replace if
Check pump's operating
Contact service centre
Ram responds to
pressurised fluid, but
system does not maintain
Overload condition
Pump malfunctioning
Ram seals leaking
Remedy overload condition
Contact service centre
Contact service centre
Oil leaking from ram
Air in system
Worn or damaged seals
Bleed the system
Contact service centre
Ram will not retract or
retracts slower than normal
Malfunctioning coupler,
damaged application
Pump reservoir over filled
Ram damaged internally
Secure load by other means.
Depressurise pump and
hoses, remove application
and replace coupler. Secure
load by other means.
Depressurise pump and
hoses, remove application,
Poor performance
Oil level in pump is low
Air trapped in system
Ensure proper oil level
Bleed the system