Putting open source to the test: The making of JBoss Enterprise Middleware
sOftwArE lOcAlizAtiOn
Localization of open source software depends on the specific interests of the community, and quality of
translations may vary depending on the resources available. JBoss Enterprise Middleware, in contrast, is
professionally localized for major languages.
PrEViEws Of cOMing AttrActiOns
With software from open source projects, mature capabilities are found alongside new, experimental fea-
tures. For the new user, it can be hard to know which is which. While JBoss Enterprise Middleware products
can include newer, experimental features that represent previews of new capabilities, these are clearly
identified as Technology Previews that are defined and described in release notes and support policies
to ensure that it is always clear to the user which capabilities are backed up by SLAs and which are not.
Technology Previews represent features that are likely to be fully supported in a future release but are not
yet complete. Customers are encouraged to provide feedback and suggestions. This process enables the
JBoss Enterprise Middleware team to engage in a dialog with customers about specific long-term feature
requirements and features that are currently under development, while not compromising the stability of
more mature capabilities in production use.
JbOss EntErPrisE MiddlEwArE: dEliVEring thE bEst Of bOth wOrlds
“Our adoption of the Jboss Enterprise sOA Platform, together
with Red Hat support, has been extremely successful because
it has enabled us to take advantage of the best of both worlds
by increasing the reliability of performance levels and by
optimizing our IT systems.”
- Maurizio quattrociocchi, it & telecoms director,
National Institute of Design and Mint in Italy
Both IT organizations and ISVs can benefit from adopting JBoss Enterprise Middleware, a suite of robust
software products that offer enterprise IT managers substantial value over components from the open
source community. These products deliver a robust enterprise application development and deployment
platform that eliminates many of the challenges associated with open source middleware while retaining
all of its benefits. Products are accompanied by top-notch documentation, training, support, and stringent
service level agreements that make the software a safe choice for every organization.
When you choose JBoss Enterprise Middleware, you gain an application architecture that can support
your changing requirements over time while insulating you from the disadvantages of rapid innovation.
By leaving testing and validation to Red Hat and effectively outsourcing the rationalization and manage-
ment of your software stack, you substantially lower your cost of ownership, gain higher quality software,
and can more quickly deliver applications that support your business strategy and scale to meet future