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Preparing the starter cartridge for refilling and resetting
Figure 7-1:
The starter cartridge (end cap removed)
Figure 7-2:
After removing the starter drive gear; before
removing the actuator gear
Figure 7-3:
After removing the starter actuator gear; before
removing the toner hopper plug
Figure 7-4:
Removing the starter toner hopper plug
Remove the components
Figure 7-1 shows the gear end of the TN starter
cartridge (the cartridge that came with the machine
when it was new) with the end cap removed.
The components you will be removing (to be replaced
with the new components which came with the
RX411 toner refill kit to convert your cartridge into a
high-yield cartridge) are the drive gear (A), actuator
gear (B) and toner hopper plug (C).
Step 7a: Remove the drive gear
To prepare for the resetting of the starter toner
cartridge and its conversion into the equivalent of the
high-yield cartridge, we start by removing the drive
gear (A) (Before: Figure 7-1; After: Figure 7-2).
Step 7b: Remove the actuator gear
With the drive gear removed, we can remove the
actuator gear (B) from the gear train (Before: Figure
7-2; After: Figure 7-3).
Step 7c: Remove the toner hopper plug
With the drive and actuator gears out of the way we
will remove the toner hopper plug (C).
Using the edge of the opening as support, wedge the
tip of a flat-blade screwdriver between the lip of the
toner hopper opening and the toner hopper plug.
Then pry the plug up and out (Figure 7-4).
Now that we have removed the starter gears and
toner hopper plug,
to continue
the process.