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You now have access to the two screws (A, B) which
secure the end cap to the cartridge (figure 13-2).
Using a phillips-head screwdriver remove the two
phillips-head screws and set them aside for later use.
After removing the two phillips-head screws, lift the
black end cap up and away from the cartridge body
to expose the gear train.
Figure 13-3 shows the gear train on the TN210
toner cartridge.
If you are working with a TN210
Figure 13-4 shows the gear train on the standard
TN210 toner cartridge.
Step 14: Identify and remove the components
If you are working with the standard TN210 toner
cartridge (not a starter/introductory cartridge), you
will need to remove the old gear and spring.
Using a small flat-blade screwdriver (or your finger)
hold back the spring (A) located to the right of the
reset gear (B) (figure 14-1).
Figure 13-2:
Removing the end cap screws
Figure 13-3:
End cap removed exposing the gear train on the
TN210 starter/introductory toner cartridge
Figure 13-4:
End cap removed exposing the gear train on the
TN210 toner cartridge
Figure 14-1:
Holding back the spring to gain access to the
reset gear