Spike cancel OFF/SPIKE/SHORT
yet another spike cancelling algorithm, which helps the decoder to ignore short
noise impulses. Has three options: OFF/SPIKE cancelling/SHORT spikes cancelling
Use 3 Goertzels
may come in the future, there is nothing to choose here yet
The decoder works as follows (see Guenther 1973 for details):
collect a block of samples (with size "Blocksize")
calculate one "optimized Goertzel" magnitude value from this block of samples
[Goertzel algorithm works like an FFT, giving you the magnitude of a signal for a
given frequency --> the CW sidetone frequency you are listening to]
lowpass filter the magnitude values ("averager")
automatic gain control for these values ("AGC")
determine whether we have a pulse or a space by comparing the magnitude level
to a "threshold"
noise canceling: determine whether two consecutive magnitude values are the
"same" (pulse/space) and accepting only when this is true
light the red LED when we have a pulse
shut off the red LED when we have a space
the pulses and spaces and the time length of these pulses and spaces are stored
in a ring buffer
the ring buffer is used to INITIALIZE the decoder: a set of equations from
Guenther (1973) is used to determine the speed (WPM) of the received CW
message, i.e. the length of dots, dashes and inter-character and inter-word
spaces. This is the essential step for decoding the message
then the message stored in the ring buffer is being decoded by the DATA
RECOGNITION routine using the timing information from the initialization -->
this produces another data buffer with all the dits and dahs and spaces of the
the dits and dahs are then interpreted in the CHARACTER IDENTIFICATION
routine, where basically a look-up-table is used to interpret the dits and dahs as