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Содержание AD1200

Страница 1: ...ADL OO ADAI2OO Userts Manual RealTime Devices Inc Accessing theAnalogWorld I IS SO O9 90 00 01 1 a an nd d A AS S9 91 10 00 0 C Ce er rt ti if fi ie ed d ...

Страница 2: ...ADLaOO ADA12OO UsertsManual ffi REALTIMEDEVICES INC 820NorthUniversity Drive PostOfficeBox906 State College Pennsylvania 16804 USA Phone 8141234A087 FAX 81a 234 5218 ...

Страница 3: ...Publishedby RealTimeDevices Inc 820N UniversityDr P O Box906 StateCollege PA 16804 USA Copyright 1992by RealTimeDevices Inc All rightsreserved Printedin U S A Rev A 9234 ...

Страница 4: ...nremrptChsDisabled l 6 P9 DAC I OutputVoltage Range FacorySeuing 5to 5volts 1_7 P10 DAC 2 Output Volrage Range Factory Sening 5o 5volts 1_g Pl I A D DataWordBit State Set FacorySetting l_g Plz A D Converter Status External Gate2 Monitor actory Setting EOC A D Converter Status l 9 Sl Base Address FacorySetting 300hex 268decimal 1_9 Pull up Pull down Resistors onDigitalI OLines 1_10 CHAPTER2 _ BOARD...

Страница 5: ...gBits in Initializing EnablingandDisablingtheExtemalTrigger 4 12 EnablingandDisablingIntemrprs 4 12 Conversion Modes Triggering 4 12 Starting anA D Conversion 4 13 Monitoring Conversion Status MA DoneorEnd of Convert 4 13 Reading theConverted Data 4 13 Programming thePacer Clock 4 14 8259Programmable Intemrpt Controller 4 16 Intemrpt MaskRegister IMR 4 16 End of Interrupt EOI Command 4 16 WhatExac...


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Страница 8: ... Voltage Range Jumper P10 1 8 A D DataWordBit State SetJumper Pll l 9 A D Converter StatuslExternal Gate2 MonitorJumper P12 1 9 Base Address Switch Sl 1 9 Pull up Pull down Resistor Circuitry l l I AddingPull ups andPull downs toDigitalVOLines 1 12 GainCircuinyandFormulas for Calculating Gainandf 1 13 Diagram forRemoval of Solder Short 1 14 n UOConnector PinAssignmens 2 3 AnalogInputConnections 24...

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Страница 10: ...INTRODUCTION ...

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Страница 12: ...volts or a unipolarrangeof 0 to l0 volts Theboardis factorysetfor 5to 5volts Overvoltage protection to 35voltsis providedattheinputs Thehigh perforrnance A Dconverter supports resistor configurable gaincircuiry sothatyou cancustomize theinputgain A Dconversions areperformed in 5 microseconds andthemaximumthroughput rateis 125kllz Conversions arecontrolled throughsoftware by anon board pacerclock o...

Страница 13: ...tware includingLABTECH NOTEBOOK NOTEBOOK XE andLTICONTROL rtdlinx source codeis available for aone timefee OurPascal andC Programmer s Toolkitprovides routines with documented source codefor cuslomprogrcmming HardwareAccessories Hardware accessories for the1200includetheMX32analoginputexpansion boardwhichcanexpand a single inputchannel onyour 1200to 16differentialor 32single ended inputchannels MR...

Страница 14: ...ettings usethese easy to follow instructions beforeyouinstalltheboardin your computer Notethatby installingresistor packsatthreelocationsaround the8255PPIandsoldering jumpersin thedesired locations in the associated pads youcanconfigurethe16available digitalVO linesto bepulledupor pulleddown Thisprocedure is explained neartheendof thischapter Alsonotethatby installingcomponents atRL R2 TR4 and C36...

Страница 15: ...Fa bo exl avl ...

Страница 16: ...abled Thisheader connector shownin Figure14 letsyouselect channel1or 3 for DMA transfers Thisline the DMA requestline DRQ mustbesetto thesamechannelastheDACK line onP6 Thefactorysettingis DMA disabled umper in a sored position Notethatif anyotherdevicein your systemis alreadyusingyour selected DMA channel channelcontentionwill result causingerraticoperation DRQl DR03 P5 Fig 1 4 DMA Request Channel...

Страница 17: ...hese pinsareusedto selecttheclocksource for TC2 OTI connects theoutputof TCI to theclockinputof TC2 Installingajumperherecascades all threetimer counters afeature necessary whenusingSIGNAL MATH or ATLANTIS application software seeAppendixes D andE XTAL is theon board 8 MHz clock andEC2is connected to thesame external clocksource asECI n4r Thelasttwopinsonthisheader PCKandET letyouusethepacerclock ...

Страница 18: ... letsyouconnect anyoneof fourintemrptsources toanyof six interruptchannels IRQ2 highest prioritychannel throughIRQT lowestprioritychannel To activate a channel youmustinstallajumperverticallyacross thedesired IRQchannel Figure1 8ashowsthefacory setting Figure 1 8bshowsintenuptsource OT2connected tro IRQ3 I ozl oTl XTAL EC2 P8 P8 Fig 1 8 Interrupt ChannelJumper pg Ontherightsideof theheader youcans...

Страница 19: ...sIRQstatus bit NOTE Whenyouusemultipleboards thatshare thesame interrupt only oneboardshouldhavetheGjumper installed Therestshouldbedisconnected Whenever youoperate asingleboard theGjumpershouldbeinstalled I N T S O U R G E IRO STATUS INTERRUPT g Fig 1 9 PullingDownthe Interrupt RequestLine P9 DAC 1 Output VoltageRange FactorySetting 5to 5 volts Thisheader connector shownin Figurel 10 setstheoutpu...

Страница 20: ...have tobesetthesame asP9 Voltage Range and Polarity Jumpers Leftto Right x2 x1 r5 5 5 to 5 volts OFF ON ON OFF 0 to 5 volts OFF ON OFF ON 10 to 10volls ON OFF ON OFF 0to 10volts ON OFF OFF ON P10 DAC2 x2x1r5 5 Fig 1 11 DAC2 Output Vottage Range Jumper pl0 Pll A D DataWord Bit StateSet FactorySetting Thisheader connector shownin Figurel 12 sets thestateof theunused fourbitsin the8 bitMSB of ttrel6 ...

Страница 21: internalI O andotherperipherals Whenthe 1200boardattempts to useI O address locationsalreadyusedby anotherdevice contentionresultsandtheboarddoesnotwork To avoidtttisproblem the1200hasaneasilyaccessible five position DIP swirch 51 whichletsyouselect any oneof 32starting addresses in thecomputer s VO Shouldthefacory seningof 300hex 76gdecimal beunsuitabie for yoursystem youcanselectadifferentbas...

Страница 22: ...entheswitchis disconnected Or youmaywanttopull linesdownfor connectionto relayswhichcontrolurning motorsonandoff Thesemotorsturnon whenthedigitat linescontrollingthemarehigh ThePortA line s of the8255automaticallypowerupasinputs whichcanfloat high duringthefew momentsbeforetheboardis first initialized This cancausetheexternaldevicesconnected to these linesto operateerratically By pulling theseline...

Страница 23: ...i5ffieEiEggstr S FE EEEHH ffiL L gfrlgg ffi E f sp ffi WI E H lJ f oooooo oooooooo oo oo o o o o 33 33 oooooooo oooooo oooo oooooo oor oo oo oo oooooo oooo Fig 1 15 Pull up Pull down Resistor Circuitry ...

Страница 24: ...d in theupper tt o tiehi i board The e i r o trimpotiombin to t rhegain asshown in theformula inFigure 1 17 ca ilor cii i p lo a o n iv Jrr oo low pass filrering in thegaincircuit If yourinputsignal isaslowlycrranging one donorneed it ata higher B youmaywanr toadda capacitor at c36in order oredu n itp il qu ncyrange andin turnreduce ttrenoise on your inputsignar The formula forsetting thefrequencv...

Страница 25: ... iooooooooooq lf l r f olJ id6615 ooo gj oooooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o r o o 33 33 oooooooo oooooo o o o o o o o o o o O O r O O oo B oo o o o o o o oooo RemoveSolderShort BetweenThese2 Padson BottomSldeof Board Fig 1 18 Diagram lorRernovalof Solder Short ...

Страница 26: ...anbeplacedin anyslot shortor full size This chapter tellsyoustep by step howto installandconnect theboard After youhaveinstalledtheboardandmadeall of yourcon nections youcanturnyoursystem onandrunthe1200DIAG boarddiagnostics programincludedonyourexample software disk toverify thatyourboardis working ...

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Страница 28: ... theexpansion slot connector in thebottomof theselected expansion slot 6 Aftercarefullypositioning theboardin theexpansion slot sothatthecardedgeconnector is restingonthe computer s busconnector gentlyandevenlypress downontheboarduntil it is secured in ttreslot NOTE Do notforcetheboardintotheslot If theboarddoes notslideintoplace removeit andtry again Wiggling theboardor exertingtoomuchpressure ca...

Страница 29: ...Figure2 3 theycanbetriggeredto startanA D conversion atthesametime sampling uncertainty is lessttran50nanoseconds Whenyoucascade boards besure to seteachboardfor a differentbaseaddress seeChapterl or systemcontentionwill result NOTE Whencascading boards thesamplinguncertaintyis lessthan50nanoseconds If thislevel of uncer tainty is toogeat for your application youcanconnectthetriggersignalto therig...

Страница 30: ... Countersand Digital UO Forall of theseconnections thehighsideof anexternalsignalsourceor destinationdeviceis connected to the appropriate signalpin ontheP2I O connector andthelow sideis connected to anyDIGITAL GND RunningtheI200DIAGDiagnostics Program Now thatyourboardis readyto use youwill wantto try it out An easy to use menu drivendiagnostics program 1200DIAG is includedwith yourexamplesoftwar...

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Страница 32: ...R3 HARDWAREDESCRIPTION Thischapter describes thefeatures of the1200hardware The majorcircuitsaretheA D theD A thetimer counters andthe digitalVOlines Thischapter alsodescribes thehardware select ableintemrpts ...

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Страница 34: ...ciutryis described in Chapter1 Overvoltage protection to 35voltsisprovidedat theinputs A D Converter TheAD67812 bitsuccessive approximation A D convert r accurately digitizesdynamicinputvoltages in 5 microseconds for a maximumthroughput rateof 200kHz for theconverter alone TheAD678contains a sample and hold amplifier a 72 bitA D converter a 5 voltreference aclock andadigitatinterface to providea c...

Страница 35: ... andthe0 to 5 voltrangehasaresolution of 1 22millivolts Timer Counters An8254programmable intervaltimerprovidesthree16 bit 8 MHz timer counters to supporta widerangeof timingandcounting functions Two of thetimer counters TCOandTCl arecascaded sothattheycanbeusedfor thepacerclock Thepacerclockis described in Chapter 4 You canusetheremaining timer counter TC2 for counting applications or cascade it ...

Страница 36: ...iedport Mode I Strobedinput output I es you transferIIO datafrom PortA in conjunctionwittr strobesor hand shaking signals Mode2 Strobed bidirectional input output I ts youcommunicate bidirectionally wittranexternal device throughPortA Handshaking is similartoMode1 These modes aredetailed in the8255DataSheet reprinted fromIntelin AppendixC Interrupts The1200hasfourjumper selectable intemrptsources ...

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Страница 38: ...n of theVOmap adetailed description of programming operations andoperating modes and flow diagrams to aidyouin programming Theexample programs includedonthediskin yourboardpackage arelistedattheendof thischapter These programs writtenin TurboC TurboPascal andBASIC includesource codeto simplifyyourapplications programming 4 l ...

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Страница 40: ...A D conversions BA 2 Reserved Notused Notused BA 3 8255PPIPortA ReadPortA dighal inputlines Program PortA digitaloutput lines BA 4 8255PPIPortB Ghannel Board Functions ReadPortBbits Program channel external trigger enable IRQenable BA 5 8255PPIPortC ReadPortC digitalinputlines Program PortCdigital output lines BA 6 8255 PPlControlWord Notused Program PPIconfiguration BA 7 S2S4TimerlCounter 0 Usedf...

Страница 41: ...onversion done IRQStatus 0 NolRQ 1 IRQ 0 DMAnotdone 1 DMAdone BA 1 ReadA D Data UpdateDAC Outputs ReadAilrite Two successive reads providetheLSB first followedby ttreMSB for eachA D conversion asdefinedbelow If aconversion is srarted beforethisdatais readfromtheprevious conversion thedatawill belost Whenjumpers onP4andPl I aresetfor bipolarconversions ttredataword sfour mostsignificantbitsmatcht r...

Страница 42: betweentheboardandanextemaldevice A readtransfers datafrromtheexternaldevice throughY2 andino PPI PortC a write Sansfers thewrittendaa from PortC throughP2to anexternaldevice BA 7 8255PPI Control Word Write Only Whenbit 7 of thiswordis setto l a write programsttrePPIconfiguration ThePPImustbeprogrammed so thatPortB is aMode0 outputport asshownbelow X don tcare External TriggerEnable 0 Disabled ...

Страница 43: ... PortC Lower Binary Decimal Hex Output Output Output Output 10000000 128 80 Output Output Output Input 10000001 129 81 Output Output Input Output 10000010 130 82 Output Output Input Input 10000011 131 83 Output Input Output Output 10001000 136 88 Output Input Output Input 10001001 137 89 Output lnput Input Output 10001010 138 8A Output Input Input lnpul 10001011 139 8B Input Output Output Output 1...

Страница 44: ...hiscounteris cascaded with TCOto form fte 32 biton boardpacerclock BA 10 8254Timer Counter2 Read Write A readshowsthecountin thecounter andawriteloadsthecounter with a newvalue Countingbeginsassoon asthecountis loaded Thiscounter canbecascaded to TCOandTCI or it canbeusedindependently BA 11 8254ControlWord Write Only Accesses the8254controlregister to directlycontrolthethreetimer counters SeUReset...

Страница 45: ...throughD3 DztthroughD7 ae inelevant BA 14 D A Converter2 LSB ADA1200 Write Only hogramstheDAC2 LSB eightbis BA 15 D A Converter2 MSB ADA1200 Write Only Programs theDAC2 MSB four bits into D0 ttuoughD3 D l throughD7 arcinelevanl DACLSB D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO Bir7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bir3 Bir2 Bit1 Bit0 Bit11 Bir10 BirI BitI DACMSB X D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO 4 8 ...

Страница 46: ...eof theoperators discussed in thissection with anexample of howeachis used with Pascal C andBASIC Notethatthemodulus operatoris usedto retrievetheleastsignificantbyte LSB of atwo byteword andtheintegerdivision operatoris usedtoretrievethemostsignificant byte MSB Language Modulus IntegerDivlsion AND OR c 2 b o o C a b c a b c I a blc Pascal MOD a b M O Dc DIV a bDlVc AND a bANDc OR a bORc BASIC MOD...

Страница 47: ...termethodof first clearingall thebitsin therangethensettingonly thosebits thatmustbe setusingthemethod shownabovefor settingmultiplebitsin aport Thefollowingexample showshowthistwo stepoperation is done Example Assignbits3 4 and5 in aportto 101 bits3 and5 set bit 4 cleared First readin the portandclearbis 3 4 and5 by ANDingthemwith 199 Thensetbits3 and5 by ORingthem with40 andfinally writetheresul...

Страница 48: 12 1 t00 channel13 1101 channel 14 1 1 1 0 c h a n n e l 1 5 1 1 1 1 c h a n n e l 1 6 BA 5 To usePortB for these controlfunctions the8255mustbeinitializedsothatPortB is setupasa Mode0 outputport Thisis doneby writingthisdatato thePPIcontrolwordatVOaddress BA 7 X don t care D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO ClearingtheBoard It is goodpracticeto sta yourprogramby reseuingthe1200board You cando thisby...

Страница 49: ...retimingdiagram for A D conversions Thissection describes theconverSion modes Internal vs External Triggering With internaltriggering alsocalledsoftwaretriggering conversions are initiatedby writing a valueto theSTARTCOI VERTportatBA 0 on theboard Wittr externaltriggering conversions areinitiatedby applyingahighTTL signalto theextemalTRIGGERIN pin VZ 39 Any TTL signal canbeusedasatriggersource In ...

Страница 50: ...rigger arestailedby thelrst pulsepresent aftertheextemaltriggerhasbeenenabled MonitoringConversion Status DMA Doneor End of Convert TheA D conversionslatuscanbemonitoredthroughtheDMA doneflag or throughtheend of convert EOC bit in theSTATUSportatBA 0 WhendoingDMA transfers youwill wantto monirortheDMA doneflagfor a transition fromlow tohigh ThistellsyouwhentheDMA transfer iscomplete anddatahasbeen...

Страница 51: ... 0000 0000 1 LSB 2 44 millivolts Programmingthe PacerClock Two of thetlree l6 bit timer counters in the8254programmable intervaltimerarecascaded to form theon boardpacerclock shownin Figure4 2 Whenyouwanttousetle pacerclockfor continuous A Dconversions you mustprogramtheclockrate To find thevalueyoumustloadino theclockto producethedesiredrate you fint haveto calculate thevalueof DividerI timer Cou...

Страница 52: ...dandstopped by enabling anddisabling theextemaltrigger PacerClock Fig 4 2 Pacer ClockBlockDiagram PacerClock Divlder1 decimal hex Divider2 declmal hex 125kHz 2 t 0002 32 0020 100kHz 2t 0002 40 0028 50kHz 2 0002 80 ooso 10kHz 2 ooo2 400 0190 1kHz 2 t 00021 4000 0FA0 100Hz 2 ooo2 40000 9c40 Interrupts What Is anInterrupt An interruptis aneventthatcauses theprocessor in yourcomputero temporarilyhalt ...

Страница 53: ...1 thenthecorresponding IRQ is masked andit will notgenerate an interruplIf abit is clear equalto0 thenthecorresponding IRQis unmasked andcangenerate intemrpts The IMR is programmed throughport21H IRQT IRQ6 IRQ5 IRQ4 IRQ3 rR02 IRQl IRQO l OPort21H Forallbits 0 IRQunmasked enabled 1 IRQmasked disabled End of Interrupt EOI Command Afteranintenuptservice routineiscomplete the8259intemrptcontrollermust...

Страница 54: ...R DOSisnot reentranq thatis aDOS functioncannotcallitself In typicalprogramming thiswill nothappen because of thewayDOSis written But whataboutwhenusingintemrps Then youcouldhaveasituation suchasthisin yourprogram If DOSfunctionX is beingexecuted whenanintemrptoccurs andttreint rrupt routinemakes acall to DOSfunctionX thenfunction X isessentially beingcalledwhileit is already active Sucharecntranc...

Страница 55: ...t thatcorresponds to yourIRQ remember settingabit disablesinterruptson thatIRe whileclearinga bit enables them TheIMR is ananged sothatbit 0 is for IRQO bit I is for IRel andsoon See theparagraph entrtledInterrupt Mask Register IMR earlierin thischapterfor helpin determiningyourIRe s bit After settingttrebit write thenewvalueto I O port2ilt Wiot thestartupIMR savedandtheintemrps on yourtRQ tempora...

Страница 56: ...nnel 2 Allocatea buffer 3 Calculate thepageandoffsetof thebuffer 4 SettheDMA pageregister 5 Program theDMA controller 6 Program devicegeneraring data 1200 7 Waitunril DMA iscomplete 8 Disable DMA Eachstepis detailedin refollowing paragraphs Choosing a DMA Channel Thereareanumberof DMA channels availableonthePCfor useby peripheraldevices The 1200canuse eitherDMA channel1or DMA channel3 Thefactoryse...

Страница 57: ...fied page for example startwritingatbyte512of page3 Eachtimeabyteof datais writtenby thecontroller the offsetis automaticallyincremented sothenextbytewill beplacedin thenextmemorylocation Theproblemfor youwhenprogrammingthesevaluesis figuring out whatthecorresponding pageandoffsetarefor yourbuffer Mostcompilerscontainmacrosor functionsthatallow youto directlydeterminethesegment andoffsetof adata s...

Страница 58: ...ercannot properlywriteto such abufferbecause theDMA controllercanonlywritetoonepagewithoutreprognmming Whenit reaches theendof thecurrentpage it doesnotstartwriting to thenextpage Instead it startswriting backat thefirst byteof ttre culrentpage ThiscanbedisasEous if thebeginningof thepagedoesnotcorrespond to yourbuffer Moreoftenthan not thislocationis beingusedby thecodeportionof yourprograrnor th...

Страница 59: ... isagoodhabito dosobeforeprogramming theDMA conrroller Writinganyvalue to thisportclearsrheflip flop Addresshex decimal Register Descrlption 02 02 Channel 1 PageOffset write 2 bytes LSBfirsl 03 03 Channel 1Count write 2 bytes LSBfirst 06 06 Channel 3 PageCIfset write 2 bytes LSBfirst 07t o7 Channel 3 Count write 2 bytes LSBfirst 0A 1 0 Single Mask Register oB 11 ModeRegister writeonly jct 12 Clear...

Страница 60: 4 Write theLSB of thepageoffsetof yourbuffer 5 WritetheMSB of thepageoffsetof yourbuffer 6 WritetheLSB of thenumber of bytesto transfer 7 WritetheMSB of thenumber of bytestotransfer 8 EnableDMA on thechannel youareusing Programmingthe 1200for DMA OnceyouhavesetuptheDMA controller youmustprogmmttre1200for DMA Thefollowing stepslist this procedure l Setupthe8255PPIfor PortB ourput 2 Setupthetimer...

Страница 61: ...nsfers D A Conversions ADA1200Only Thetwo D A converters canbeindividually programmed to convert12 bitdigital wordsinto avoltagein the rangeof 5 10 0 o 5 or 0 to 10volts DACI isprogrammed by writingthe12 bitdigitaldatawordto BA 8 DACZis identical with thedaa word writtento BA 10 Thefoltowingtableslist thekeydigitalcodes and corresponding outputvoltagesfor theD A converters D AConverterUnlpolarCall...

Страница 62: ...6 9995 1 0 5000 0 10000 0 Timer Counters 4n8254 programmable intervaltimerprovidesthree16 bit 8 MlIz timer counters for timing andcounting functions suchasfrequency measurement eventcounting andintemrpts Two of thetimerrcounters arecascaded andcanbeusedfor thepacerclock Theremainingtimer counter is availablefor your use Figure4 3 showsthe timerhountercircuitry TO A O TRIGGER I 200 I O CONNECTOR P2...

Страница 63: ...andgoeslow onttreclockpulse followinga triggero begintheone shot pulse Theoutputremains low until thecountreaches 0 andtirengoeshigh andremains highuntil theclockpulseaftertle nextrigger Mode2 RateGenerator Thismodefunctions like adivide by Ncounterandis typicallyusedtogenerate a real timeclockinterrupt Theoutputisinitially high andwhenthecountdecrements to 1 theoutputgoeslow for oneclockpulse The...

Страница 64: ...C WAVES Interrupts INTRPTS INTSTRM DMA DMA DMASTRM Demonstrates howto usethesoftwarerigger modefor acquiringdata Similarto SOFTTRIG exceptttratanexternal triggeris used Showshowto fill ananaywith datausinga softwaretrigger A shortprogramdemonstrating howto programthe8254for useasa timer SimpleprogramthatshowshowtoreadandwritethedigiralVOlines Showshowto uset reDACs UsesA D channel1to monitortheoup...

Страница 65: ...tal to Analog DASCAN DMA DMA A shortprogramdemonstrating howto programthe8254for useasa timer Simpleprogramthatshowshowto readandwrite thedigital VO lines Demonstrates D A conversion Showshowto takesamples andtransferthemto PCmemoryusingDMA 4 28 ...

Страница 66: ... takinga singlesampleona selected channel A sampleis takeneach timeyousendtheStartConvertcommand All of thesamples will betakenonthesame channel until youchange thevaluein thePPIPortB register A 5 Changing thisvaluebeforeeachStartConvertcommand is issued lets youtakethenextreadingfrom adifferentchannelatadifferentgain Fig 4 4 Single Conversion FlowDiagram Program 8255PPI PortB out ClearRegisters R...

Страница 67: ... smemory You canuseDMA channelI or 3 to transferdatato thecomputer smemory Thepacerclock canbeusedto setthe sampling interval Fig 4 5 DMAFlowDiagram Program 8255PPI PodBout ClearRegisters Reset Program 8254TCO TC1for desired transfer rates Program DMAController Enable DMA ExternalTrigger DMADone 1 StopProgram 4 30 ...

Страница 68: ...wto progam anintemrptroutinefor your 1200 Thediagramparallelsthe interruptsdiscussion includedearlierin ttrischapter You canusethisdiagramin conjunctionwith thedetailedtext in thischapterto developanintemrptprogramfor your 1200 Fig 4 6 Interrupts FlowDiagram 4 31 ...

Страница 69: ...gram Figure4 7 This flow diagramshowsyouhowto generate a voltageoutputthroughtheD A converter ADAI200 only A conversion is initiatedeachtime thehighbyte MSB is witten to theD A converter Fig 4 7 D AConversion FlowDiagram 4 32 ...

Страница 70: ...ischapter tellsyouhowto calibrate the1200usingthe 1200DIAGcalibration programincludedin theexample sofrware package andsixtrimpotsontheboard These trimpotscalibrate the A D convefter gainandoffsetandtheDlAX2 multiplieroutput ...

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Страница 72: ...hesystem andlettheboardcircuitrystabilize for 15minutes beforeyoustartcalibrating RequiredEquipment Thefollowingequipment isrequired for calibration Precision VoltageSource 10o 10volts DigitalVoltmeter 5 112 digis SmallScrewdriver for trimpotadjustment Whilenotrequired ttreI200DIAGdiagnostics progam included with example software is helpfulwhen performing calibrations Figure5 1showstheboardlayoutw...

Страница 73: ...putchannel1andsetit for againof I whilecalibrating theboard Connect yourprecision voltage source to channell Setthevoltagesource tD 1 22070 miltvolts starta conversion andreadtheresultingdata AdjusttrimpotTR7until it flickersbetween thevalues listedin thetableatthetopof thenextpage Next setthe voltageto 9 49829 volts andrepeat theprocedure thisrimeadjusting TR2until thedataflickersbetween the valu...

Страница 74: ...conversion andreadtheresulting daia Adjust trimpotTR3untilit flickersbetween thevalues listedin thetablebelow Next setthevoltagetD 4 99634 volts and repeat theprocedure thistimeadjusting TR2until thedataflickersbetween thevaluesin thetable DataValuesfor Calibrating Bipolar10VottRange 5to 5votts Oftset TR3 InputVoltage 4 99878V Converter Galn TR2 lnputVoltage 4 99634V A DConverted Data 1000 0000 00...

Страница 75: ...ts settheDAC outputvoltagerangeto 0 to 10volts iumpers onX2 and5 onP9 AOUTI orP10 AOUT2 Then program thecorresponding D A converter DACI or DAC2 with rhe digitalvalue2048 TheidealDAC outputfor 2048atX2 0to 10voltrange is 5 0000volts AdjustTR5for AOUTI andTR6 for AOUTZuntil 5 0000voltsis readattheoutput Table5 3liststtreidealoutputvolragesperbir weightfor unipolarranges andTable54 liststtreidealout...

Страница 76: lnmlllivolts 15V r10v 4095 Max Output 4997 6 9995 1 2048 0 0 0 0 1024 2500 0 5000 0 512 3750 0 7500 0 256 437s 0 8750 0 128 4687 s 9375 0 64 4843 8 9687 s 32 4921 9 9843 8 16 4960 9 9921 9 I 4980 s 9960 9 4 4990 2 9980 s 2 4995 1 9990 2 1 4997 6 999s 1 0 5000 0 10000 0 5 l ...

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Страница 78: ...APPENDIX A 12OO SPECIFICATIONS A l ...

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Страница 80: ... fevel output voltage 4 2V min Low level output voltage 0 45V max High level input voltage 2 2V min 5 5V max Low level input voltage 0 3V min 0 8V max Input loadcurrenl 10 pA Input capacitance C N F 1MHz 10 pF Outputcapacitance C OUT F 1MHz 20 pF D A Converter ADA1200Only AD7237 Analog outputs 2 channels Resolution 12bits Output ranges 0to 5 t5 or0 to 10vohs Guaranteed linearity across outputrange...

Страница 81: ...Gonnector 50 pin right angle shrouded header Size Short slot 3 875 H x5 25 W 99mm x 134mm A4 ...


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Страница 88: ...lntef82C54 Programmable Interval Timer DataSheetReprint ...

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Страница 90: ... handling clockinputs upto 10 MHz All modes aresoftware programmable The82C54 is pincompatible withth HMOS 8254 andisa superset of the8253 Six programmable timermodesallowthe 82C54 to be usedas an 6vsntcounter elaps ct timeindicator programmable one shot andin manyotherapplications The82C54 is fabricated on Intel s advanced CHMOS lll technology whichprovides lowpowerconsumption withperformance equ...

Страница 91: ... m 22 26 I ReadControl Thisinputislowduring CPUread operations WF 23 27 I WriteControl Thisinputislowduring GPU write operations Vr n 24 28 Power 5Vpowersupplv connection NC 1 11 15 25 NoConnect FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION General The82C54 isa programmable intervaltimer counter designed forusewithIntelmicrocomputer systems Itisa generalpurpose multi timing element thatcan be treatedas an anayol llO por...

Страница 92: ...ingle Counter willbedescribed The internal blockdiagram of a single counter is shown in Figure 5 The Counters arefullyindependent EachCounter mayoperate in a different Mode TheControl WordRegister is showninthefigure it is notpartof the Counter itself butitscontents de termine howtheCounter operates Flgure3 BlockDlagramShowlngDataBus BufferandRead WrlteLoglcFunctlons READ WRITE LOGIC TheRead Write...

Страница 93: ...Rg for CountRegister Botharenormally relerred to asoneunitandcallediustCR Whena newcountis writtento the Counter the countis storedintheCRandlatertransferred totheCE The ControlLogicallowsone registerat a timeto be loadedfromthe internal bus Bothbytesaretrans ferred to theCEsimultaneously CRy andCRl are cleared whenthe Counter is programmed ln this way if theGounter hasbeenprogrammed for one bytec...

Страница 94: ... WordRegister The41 A9in putsare usedto selectthe Counterto be written into Theformat oftheinitial countisdetermined by theControlWord used ControlWord Format A1 A9 11 G O ffi 1 WH O D7 D5 D5 Da D3 D2 D1 Ds SC SelectCounter scl sco M MODE n2 Ml MO RW Read Wrlte RWl RWo NOTE Don tcare bits X shouldbe 0 to insure compatibility withfutureIntelproducts scl sc0 RW1 RWO M2 M1 MO BCD 0 0 Select Counter 0...

Страница 95: ...nter Othenrise theCounter will beloaded withanincorrect count LatchCommand and the Read Back Gommand Eachis explained below Thefirstmethodisto per forma simple readoperation To readtheCounter whichis selected withthe A1 A0 inputs the CLK inputof the seleciedCountermustbe inhibited by using either theGATE inpuiorexternal logic Other wise thecountmaybe in theprocess of changing whenit is read giving...

Страница 96: right after the other read or write or pro grammingoperations of other Countersmay be in sertedbetweenthem Another feature of the 82C54 is that reads and writesof the sameCountermay be interleaved for example if the Counteris programmed for two byte counts the followingsequenceis valid 1 Readleastsignificant byte 2 Writenew leastsignificant byte 3 Readmostsignificant byte 4 Writenew mostsignif...

Страница 97: ...written Flgure 12 NullCount Opera on lf multiple statuslatchoperations of thecounter s areperformed without reading thestatus allbutthe firstareignored i e thestatus thatwillbe readis thestatus of thecounter at thetimethefirststatus read back command wasissued Bothcountand statusof the selectedcounter s may be latchedsimultaneously by settingboth ffi andSIAluS bitsDS D4 0 rnis ii func tionally the...

Страница 98: ...ControlWordis writtenintotheCoun ter GATE 1 enables counting GATE 0 disables counting GATEhasnoetfectonOUT AftertheControl Word andinitial countarewritten to a Counter theinitial countwillbeloaded onthenext CLKpulse ThisCLKpulsedoesnotdecrement the count soforaninitial countof N OUTdoesnotgo highuntilN 1 CLKputses aftertheinitiat countis written ll a newcountis writtento the Counter it willbe load...

Страница 99: ... N counter lt is typicially usedto generatea RealTimeClockinter rirpt OUf willinitially be high Whenthe initialcount has decremented to 1 OUT goes low for one CLK pulse OUT then goes high again the Counterre ioadsthe initialcountand the processis repeated Mode2 is periodic the samesequenceis repeated indefinitely For an initialcountof N the sequence repeatseveryN CLK cYcles GATE 1 enablescounting ...

Страница 100: ...ded at theendof thecurrenthalf cycle Mode3 is implemented asfollows Evencounts OUTisinitially high Theinitialcount is loaded ononeCLKpulseandthenis decremented bytwoonsucceeding CLKpulses Whenthecount expires OUTchanges valueandtheCounter is re_ loaded withthe initial count Theaboveprocess is repeated indefinitely Oddcounts OUTis initiaily high Theinitiat count minus one anevennumber is loaded on ...

Страница 101: ...UTdoesnot strobe lowuntilN 1 CLKpulses aftera trigger Atrigger results intheCounter beingloaded withthe initialcounton the nextCLKpulse The counting sequence is retriggerable OUTwill not strobelow for N 1 CLKpulsesafteranytrigger GATEhas noetfectonOUT lf a newcountiswritten during counting thecurrent counting sequence willnotbe atfected lf a trigger occursafterthenewcountis writtenbutbeforethe cur...

Страница 102: ...ted nomatterwhenit occurs_a highlogicleveldoesnothaveto bemaintained until thenextrising edgeof CLK Notethatin Modes 2 and3 theGATE input isbothedge andlevel sensi tive In Modes 2 and3 if a CLKsource otherthan the systemclockis used GATEshouldbe pulsed immediately following WF of a newcountvalue COUNTER New countsare loadedand Counters are decre mented onthefalling edgeof CLK Thelargest possible i...

Страница 103: ...rameter Mln Max Unlte TestCondltlong Vrr Inout LowVoltage 0 5 0 8 V Vrr Input HighVoltage 2 O Vcn 0 5 V Vor OutputLowVoltage o 4 V lnr 2 5 mA vox OutputHighVoltage 3 0 Vee 0 4 V v lox 2 5mA lox 100 rlA I11 lnoutLoadCurrent r 2 0 U A Vrr r Vec to 0V lorl OutputFloatLeakage Cunent t10 pA Vorr Vcc to0 0V 166 V66Supply Currenl 20 mA crk Freq fiH r l ti lccsg Vs6Supply Current StandbY 10 pA CLKFreq Pt6...

Страница 104: ...ll not be reflectedin the counl valuelatched writing a counter Latchor ReadBackcommand betweenTg minandTry maxwill resultin a latchedcountvalluewtricnis one teastsignificant bit Symbol Parameter 82C54 82C54 2 Unlts Min Max Min Itlar tew Address Stable Before WR J 0 0 ns tsw 6stabte BeforeWF J 0 0 ns twn Address HoldTimeAfterWFIf 0 0 ns tww WRPulseWidth 150 95 ns tow DataSetup TimeBefore WFIf 120 9...

Страница 105: ...inbf 2312M 14 c8 IU On Arus lao 29124 t5 ...

Страница 106: ... WAVEFORM A C TESTING LOADCIRCUIT INPUT OUTPUT 2 3124 18 A C Testing InprrtB ared ivenet 2 4Vlq a loglc i andO 4SV for alogic 0 Timingm asurem nle aremadeat 2 0Vtor a loglc 1 and0 8Vtor a logic 0 i i I orvrcr I I uxom l r l r l l cr lrcr I 23124 15 Cs 150pF C1Includee llg capacitance 3 99 ...

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Страница 108: ...Intel82C55A Programmable Peripheral Interface DataSheetReprint ...

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Страница 110: to have8 linesofinputoroutput 3oftheremaining 4 pinsareused for handshaking andintenupt controlsignals MODE 2 is a strobed bi directional busconfiguration The82C55A isfabricated on Intel sadvanced CHMOS lll technology whichprovides lowpowerconsumption withperformance equalto or greater thantheequivalent NMOSproduct The82C55A is available in 40 pin DfPand 44 pin plasticleaded chipcarrier PLCC p...

Страница 111: ...leFunctlon x X X X 1 DataBus 3 State X X 1 1 0 DataBus 3 State PCt c 10 13 11 13 15 vo PORT C PINS4 Z Upper nibbte ofan8 bitdataoutputlatch buffer andan8 bitdatainputbutfer noratch forrnpui Thisport canbedivided intotwo4 bitportsunder themodecontrol Each 4 bitportcontains a4 bitlatchanditcanbeusedforthecontrol signaloutputs andstatus signal inputs inconjunction withports AandB Pco g 14 17 16 19 vo...

Страница 112: ...ion of the82C55A Eachof the Controlblocks Group A andGroupB accepts commands fromthe Read Write Control Logic receives controlwords from the internal databusandissues thepropercommands to itsas sociated ports Control Group A PortA andPortGupper C7 C4 Control GroupB PortBandPortC lower C3 C0 The controlwordregister can be bothwrittenand readas shownin the addressdecodetablein the pin descriptions F...

Страница 113: ... OATA OUT EnEtx t POFrqC IN NYESIAL OATA NOTE wn Portpins loadedwith morethan 20 pF capacitanc maynot havetheir rogic 231zfi 4 level guaranteed following a hardware resel Flgure3 82c55ABlockDlagram ShowlngDataBusBufferandRead wrltecontrotLogtc Fu o Flgure4 PortA B C Bus holdConllguration 3 127 ...

Страница 114: ...ce GroupB canbeprogrammed inMode0 to monitorsimpleswitchclosings or display computa tional results GroupA could be programmed in Mode1to monitor a keyboard or tapereader onan intenupt driven basis Figure5 BasicModeDefinltions andBus Interface Flgure6 ModeDetlnltlonFormat The modedefinitions andpossible modecombina tionsmayseemconfusing atfirstbutattera cursory reviewof the completedeviceoperation ...

Страница 115: ...C can be inhibited or enabledby settingor resetting theassociated INTEflip flop usingthebitset reset function of portC Thisfunctionallowsthe Programmer to disallow or allowa specific l O device tointem rpt theCPUwith outatfecting anyotherdeviceintheinterrupt struc ture INTEflip flop definition BIT SET INTE is SET lnterrupt enabte BIT RESETFINTE is RESET lnterrupt disabte Note All Maskflip flopsare...

Страница 116: ...s No handshaking is required datais simplywrittento or readfroma specified port Mode0 BasicFunctional Definitions o Two8 bitportsandtwo4 hitports o Anyportcanbe inputor output Outputs arelalched o Inpi rts arenotlatched o 16ditferent Input Output configurations arepos sibleinthisMode MODE 0 BAS C NPUT 231256 A lrlODE0 BASICOUTPUT 231256 9 3 130 ...


Страница 118: ... D Dr D2 Dr Do oon not ioRD 16 corctnot fitRo a6 cofrtiot toRo at o 06 03 o Dt o Dr oo coNrnot woBDa cor rnor fitRD t coxrFot fi ao alo o D o o ot or Dr oo t l 0 l o l r l 0 l o l r o Oofrtltol tORD arl o Da D D O O Or Oo r l o l 0 l r 0 1 0 I 0 o 0 I 0 I ...

Страница 119: ...ovides a meanafor transfening l O rlQ to or froma specified portin conjunction with strob s or handshaking signals Inm6de1 portA andPortB usethe lineson port C to generate or acceptthese handshaking signals Mode1 Basicfunctional Definitions o TwoGroups Group A andGroupB F ghgroupcontains one8 bitdataportandone 4 bitcontrol datra port fhg 8 bitdataportcanbe eitherinputor output Bothinputsandouputsa...

Страница 120: ...A high onthisoutputcanbeusedto interuptthe GPUwhenan inputdeviceis requesting service INTRis setbytheSTBis a on6 IBFis a one andINTEisa one lt isresetbythefalling edgeof RD This procedure allowsan inputdeviceto re questservicefromthe CPUby simplystrobingits dataintotheport INTEA Controlled bybit set resetof PCa INTEB Gontrolled bybitset resetof PC2 ooxtior woto ffi t l tn t o oofJttol f oto 23r256...

Страница 121: ...enc a response from the peripheral deviceindicating thatit hasreceived thedataoutputbythecPU INTR lnterruptRequest A high on thisoutput can be usedto intenuptthe CpUwhenan output devicehasaccepted datatransmitted bv the CpU INTRis setwhenAffi is a on 6EF isa on gl INTEisa on lt isresetbythefalling edgeof wR ITiITE A Gontrolled bybitset resetof pG5 INTEB Controlled bybitset resetof pC2 231256 16 Fl...

Страница 122: ...itions UsedinGroup A only o One8 bit bi directional busport PortA anda 5 bitcontrolport PortG o Bothinputsandoutputs arelatched o TheS bitcontrolport PortC is usedfoi control and statusfor the 8 bit bi directional bus port PortA Bldirectional Busl O ControlSignalDefinltlon INTR lnterruptRequest A highonthisoutput can beused tointerrupt theCPU forinput oroutput oper ations OutputOperatlons OEF Outp...

Страница 123: ...OOE 0 I l lOOE I 231256 18 Flgure13 ItlODE ControlWord dF ffi 231256 19 Flguru1 llODE2 o tat H crutoatcra FI ill rittR tEf lrt IBF ENI ICBAL 31 s io DA A IiOI ln lGialTOaacaa oAtAttor epaa ro Eil rcu Figure15 MODE 2 Btdtrectionat NOTE til ff JP ffi Ttffi rgff 3flh fl8ffi 1 Hl o ffi ispermissibre 3 137 ...

Страница 124: ...r tro 6f IFr m a r o OOIJTROL fiOND 4 D r D O r D 2 D r O o MOOE 2 ANDMOOE I IINPUTI 6 F iG rr m lFe 6 Fr ef tfltBa RD ii oa F lc I ffi tlt 4 tltr ilrrr 4 D r D D r O r O r D o rcr r rt rc rq rca fcr tQo rar lo tc tcr tc rq trrh lG1 rc r Trt rc rct rCa q rt rq t fct r Figure16 MODE 4 Combinatlons 3 138 ...

Страница 125: ...ceof theAffi andffi line states flagstatuswillappear onthedatabusinthe PC2 PC and PCObit positions as illustrated by Figure 18 Through a WritePortG command onlythePortC pinsprogrammed asoutputs in a Mode0 groupcan bewritten Nootherpinscanbeatfected bya Write PortC command norcantheinterrupt enable flags be accessed To writeto any Port C outputpro grammed as an outputin a Mode1 groupor to change an...

Страница 126: ...ation fromPortC A normalreadoperation of PortC is executed to perform thisfunction II PUTCONFIGURATION D7 D5 D5 Da D3 D2 D1 D6 GROUPA GROUPB OUTPUTCONFIGURATIONS D7 D5 D5 Da D3 D2 D1 D6 GROUPA GROUPB t o vo lBFl INTEI INTRI INTEs lBFs INTR6 Figure17a MODE I StatusWordFormat D D5 D5 Da D3 D2 D1 De GROUPA GROUPB D fn d ByMode 0 orModeI Sel ction Figure17b iIODE2StatusWordFormat Interrupt EnableFlaq ...

Страница 127: ...dTemperture 1 Pins 41 Ao 6 WF F 0 Reset 3 Outputs op n Symbol Parameter Mln Max Unlts TestCondltlons vr InputLowVoltage 0 5 0 8 V Vrx InputHighVoltage 2 0 Vcc V Vor Output LowVoltage 0 4 V lgg 2 5mA Vox Output HighVoltage 3 0 V66 0 4 V V loH loH 2 5 mA 100 pA It InputLeakage Cunent t1 pA Vlx V66to0V Note1 lopl Output FloatLeakage Gunent r10 pA V1x V66 to 0V Note2 lolR Darlington DriveCunent t2 5 N...

Страница 128: ...CLE Symbol Parameter 82C554 2 Unlts Tert Condltlons llln tar tnn Address Stable Before F D J 0 ns tRa Address HoldTimeAtterF D1 0 ns tnn RDPutse Widtn 150 ns tRo DataDelayfromFEJ 120 ns tor HDt toDatra Floating 10 75 ns tnv Recovery Timebatween HE WH 200 ns WRITE CYCLE Symbol Parametcr 82C55A 2 Unlte Tcet Gondltlonr tln tar tew Address StableBeforeWFIJ 0 ns twe Address HoldTimeAfterWF1 20 ns Ports...

Страница 129: ...H D 0 ns tnn Peripheral DataAtterRD 0 ns tnx 7ffi Pubewidrh 200 ns tsr SfB Pulse Width 100 ns tps Per DataBefore Sffi Xigfr 20 ns tpx Per DataAtterSTBHign 50 ns teo Iffi OtoOutput t75 ns txo Fffi 1toOutput Float 20 250 ns twog WFi l toOEF O 150 ns tnog Affi 0toOBF 1 150 ns lsre SfB 0tolBF 1 150 ns tnra R D ltolBF 0 150 ns tnr HD OtoINTR 0 200 ns tgr STE lto NTR 1 150 ns tnn Fffi lto NTR 1 150 ns t...

Страница 130: ...82C554 WAVEFORMS moDEo BAslclNPl tT 281zft u2 roDE o BASTC OUTPUT 31zft 2s 4 s 3 144 ...

Страница 131: ...WAVEFORMS continued iloDE 1 STROBED TNPUT m t F tf tl l D rpu itil tEirttlEial 231256 24 iloDE r STROBED OUTPUT ...

Страница 132: ...WRITE TIMING READTIMING 31256 28 231256 27 A C TESTING INPUT OUTPUT WAVEFORM 231256 29 AC Toting lnputsAre DrivenAt 2AV Fot A Logic1 And 0 45V For A Lggic 0 Timing Measur nentsAre MadeAt z OVFor A Logic1 And0 8 ForA Logic0 A C TESTING LOADCIRCUIT Ytrr 1 e u P I 231256 30 VgXr ls S t At Variqrs VottagesDuringTestingTo Gurantee Th Specificetion Cs InctudesJig Capacilance 3 146 ...

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Страница 136: ...000000 7tro 6 h E U I o ED R al im O vics IrF St t Cdt g pA l6 Oa t SA oo oooooo oooooooo oo oo Otrr OO oo oo gg 82css9q oooooooo oooooo oooo oooooo O O O O ooorc oo oooooo oooo Fig D 1 1200BoardLayout 51 Base Address SIGNAL MATH assumes thatfte base address of your1200is thefactorysetring of 300hex 768decimal If youchange thissetting youmustruntheADAINSTprogram andresetthebaseaddress NOTE Whenusi...

Страница 137: ...P8 Interrupts To select anIRQchannel andanintemrptsoruce youmustinstallthreejumpersonthisheader connector To configure thisheader for SIGNAL MATH placeonejumperacross thepinsof yourdesired IRQ channel placethe second jumperacross thepinslabeled EOC andplacethirdjumperacross thepinslabeled G Makecertainthat therearenootherjumperson thisconnector Also makesurethattheIRQchannel youhaveselected is not...

Страница 138: ...dollarsign for example 300 Referto your board smanual if youneedhelpin determining thecorrectvalueto enter EOC IT End of ConvertInterrupt In thisblock entertheIRQchannel numberwhichcorresponds toyour jumpersetting onP8 Timer IT Timer CounterInterrupt Thisblockis notusedonthe1200 andshouldbeleft blank LabTechSw IT LABTECH NOTEBOOK SoftwareInterrupt Thissetsthesoftware intemrptaddress whereLABTECHNO...

Страница 139: ...on Numbers mustbeentered aswholedecimalvalues Thefactorydefaultsettingfor gainand lossis 1 Forabipolarinputrange anX shouldbeplaced beforeBipolaronthescreen defaultsetting Forunipolar operation removetheX D A Parameters ADA1200Only SixD A boardparameters arelisted resolution numberof channels activeDMA channel gain loss andinputvoltage polarity Resolution andnumberof channels arefixed Forthe ADAI2...


Страница 141: ...E 2 ...

Страница 142: ...ress of your1200is thefactoryseuingof 300hex seeChapterl If you changed thissetting youmustruntheATINSTprogramandresetthebase address NOTE TheATINSTprogmmrequires thebase address tobeentered in decimalnotation P7 8254Timer CounterVO Configuration The8254mustbeconfigured wittrthethreejumpersplaced between thepinsasshownin FigureE 2 This configuration is thesameasthefactorysetting After settingtheju...

Страница 143: ...ctor To configure thisheader for ATLANTIS placeonejumperacross thepinsof yourdesired IRQ channel placethe second jumperacross thepinslabeled OT2 andplacethirdjumperacross thepinslabeled G Ivfake certainthatthere arenootherjumperson thisconnector Also makesurethatttreIRQchannel youhaveselected is notusedby any otherdevicein yoursystem FigureE 3showsyouhowtoconfigure P8for IRQchannel 3 P8 oT2 Fig E ...

Страница 144: ...APPENDIXF WARRANTY F 1 ...

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Страница 147: ...AD1 200 ADAI 200UserSettings Basel OAddress hex decimal IRQChannel DMAChannel ...

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