Operating Manual
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Copyright © REA Elektronik
REA ScanCheck 3n
V 1.2.0 24/02/2020
The calibrated test card for EAN/UPC code verifiers (article no. 08300912) is available as an
optional accessory and can be used for advanced calibration.
Test cards, which are sold by REA but are otherwise manufactured entirely independently of REA
and can be measured with other reference devices, are used for advanced calibration. With these
cards, the calibration is one step closer to the national standards (PTB, N.I.S.T, etc.) than with that
of the REA calibration card, which is based on them.
4.6 Permitted device tolerances
The individual values of the control measurements must be compared with the corresponding
measurement values on the reference test report.
The ISO/IEC 15426-1 standard for bar code verifiers specifies the requirement for measuring
The REA ScanCheck 3n can be optionally supplied with a 20 mil adapter. In this case, the two
reference reports are created and supplied with it. The adjustment and calibration must be
performed once for each configuration.
The following data must be checked to ensure that the correct symbol with the settings for the test
equipment monitoring was used.
Calibration card 08300912