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The use of return codes from the CS1 (
command) is highly recommended in conjunction with the
OnComm event as used in the demo program. The alternative is to use delays after all commands are
sent. This technique is used in the demo program in the start up code in the Form, Load event in the
automatic baud rate setting code, where it is a necessity.
If the application being developed will make use of ramping the 0 to 10 (or 0 to 5) volt outputs it is
recommended but not necessary to use ramp end reporting, activated with the
command. This method
is useful when the application needs to know when the ramp is complete to initiate another action.
4. Command and Error Code Reference
All commands are case insensitive. Commands can be upper or lower case.
(Commands are for both models unless otherwise specified)
: Enables response codes. With response codes enabled, one of the following codes is returned to
the computer each time the CS1 receives a command:
E0: Command was okay, requested action taken.
E1: Framing error. Usually caused by an incorrect baud rate or number or data bits or start or stop bits.
E2: RS-232 hardware buffer overrun. Could be caused by an excessive incoming baud rate.
Check parity and start/stop bit settings as well.
E3: Internal receive buffer overrun. Too many characters with no terminator were received.
Possibly caused by an incorrect baud rate.
E4: Command not understood. An unknown command was received.
E5: Argument incorrect. Command was recognized but an invalid value parameter was detected.
Note: An argument containing more characters than required may not trigger an “E5” error code. The CS1 will process the
command characters first, followed by processing the parameter until the correct number of characters needed are found.
Any excess characters will be ignored up to a valid terminator (CR, LF, CR+LF or LF+CR).
: (default mode) Disables response codes. With response codes disabled, the only communication
sent from the Sys84IF results from a STATUS INPUT terminal change (if enabled; see IC commands
below) or an input alert (if enabled; see IA command below).
n: (n = 0 to 3) Selects what terminator character(s) is/are sent from the CS1 after any/all responses.
0 = no terminator (Default)
1 = Carraige Return (ASCII 13)
2 = Line Feed (ACSII 10)
3 = Both CR and LF
: Returns the software Revision level. The response is “
n” where ‘n’ is the revision level, starting with 1.
Only whole numbers are used for ‘n’.
: Initializes unit. All output pins are set off and all 0 to 10V outputs are set to 0 Vdc. Clears all input
alerts set from ICE, ICEALL and IA commands. Ramp rate will default to 1 (0.5 sec. full scale ramp time).
Resets outgoing terminator to ‘none’ (same as T0 command). Sets CS1 to send back no responses (same
as RDIS command).