2. Before use
(2) What is an incubation room? /
Preparation for Incubation
How to turn off Humidification Function : Set humidity level at RH 30%.
What's an Incubation Room? / Preparation for Incubation
Insert the electric cord in the connecting jack
in the back of the main body and put the main plug into a socket.
The LCD display will light up and show temperature.
Open the watercap and fill the hole with DISTILLED WATER and refill water after about 5 min.
again up to the limit line on its inside mark.
(If you refill water during the incubation period, humidity goes down temporarily.)
The Incubation Room is a confined space for setting and operating an incubator.
Because the incubation room environment has a considerable effect on hatch rate, it's recommended to
control the environment for setting up an incubator; there should be little noise and vibration around and
temperature ranging 28
) with small variation in temperature. Especially, if there are frequent occasions
when the temperature drops suddenly at night, compared with daytime, be sure to check from time to time
and pay attention so that the incubator is not directly exposed to s
unlight during daytime.
After filling up with water, never shake or turn over the main body of the incubator, which would cause
water to spill inside the body and could cause a breakdown. Please close the water cap properly after fiilng.
In case you use the incubator without adding humidification water or intend to incubate eggs at low
humidity under RH 30%, you must stop its humidification function. please turn off the humidity unit if the
unit is empty water otherwise, humidity unit will be broke or you may not no longer use the unit.
(When using this function, the alarm for sensing water drop will go out.)
[See the description of humidification function OFF on Page 18]
During incubation period, check the DISTILLED WATER water levelabout every three days and refill water,
if necessary. (After you refill water, check again after 5min. and refill again.)
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Egg Incubator Hatcher Rcom USB and Pro 50 User Manual