View downloaded apps and running apps. To view information or uninstall an
app, tap the relevant app.
Location access
Enable or disable
access to my location and LoCaTion
Security—Set preferences for SCReen SeCURiTy, PaSSWoRDS, DeViCe
aDMiniSTRaTion, and CReDenTiaL SToRaGe.
Language & input—Set preferences for Language, KeyBoaRD & inPUT
MeTHoDS and SPeeCH.
Backup & reset—Set preferences for BaCKUP & ReSToRe, and PeRSonaL
You can add an email account or another type of account.
Date & time—Enable or disable automatic date & time, and select preferences for
date, time, time zone, time format, and date format etc..
accessibility—Select preferences for SeRViCeS and SySTeM.
Developer options—Enable or disable various Developer options.
about tablet
Check System updates, Status, Legal information etc.
Desktop function icon Settings
add, Move or Delete Desktop icon
Tap the icon in home menu to enter App menu, then display the whole application
icons by page.
To add an app to the Home menu, touch and hold the app until the Home menu
appears, and then slide it to the location where you want it to be.
To remove an app from the Home menu, touch and hold the app, and then drag it to
"X " icon at the left of the screen.
PC Connectivity
Connect your device to a PC with a USB cable in various USB connection modes. By
connecting the device to a PC, you can transfer files or transfer data to or from your
device directly.
note: when you copy file into tablet from your PC, you should set the Storage to
"Mass Storage" in
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