RADIOLA 26 has been designed to fill the need for a self-contained radio
receiver which can be readily carried from room to room in the home or used
wherever music and entertainment may be desired. It has been designed
par- ticularly for broadcast reception over the wavelength band of 220 to 550
meters or approximately 550 to 1350 kilocycles. The well-known and efficient
6-tube super-heterodyne circuit is used affording extreme sensitivity. The
small loop antenna mounted in the swinging door provides both local and
long distance reception. Provision is made for the use of an aerial to cover
extreme distances. Simplicity of operation supreme selectivity and unusually
fine tone quality are other features that will be greatly appreciated. A loud
speaker is built into the cabinet and space is also provided for all necessary
batteries for portable use. The Radiola 26 employs six Radiotrons, model UV-199
which are included.
Radiola 26, when used in the home, is intended to be placed upon the Home
Battery Box which serves as a housing for a set of larger batteries. The
larger batteries are strongly recommended for home use, as they provide longer
battery life and therefore greater economy.
The Home Battery Box also contains a separate antenna Coupler permitting
the use of an antenna when the set is in a shielded location.
1 Set of "A,"
and "C" batteries as, follow:
The fact that the Radio Corporation of America does not list batteries of all manufacturers is not
intended as a reflection on the products of any battery manufacturer not listed.
Any battery having
dimensions, capabilities and satisfactory terminal connections similar to those of the batteries listed may be
1. For Portable Use
A—3 dry cells for use, connected in series, l ½ volts each and equipped with
screw and knurled nut terminals, such as:
3 Eveready Dry Cell Radio ―A‖ Batteries, No. 7111 or
3 Columbia Ignition No. 6 Dry Cells, or
3 Burgess No. 6 Radio "A" Cells, or
3 Ray-0-Vac No. 1211 Radio "A" Cells