System Characterization
Testing & Troubleshooting Loads
To use Watt's Up to test, measure and troubleshoot Load behavior, connect the Watt's Up
and components as shown in the "Testing Loads" CONNECTION DIAGRAM. Use the
auxiliary power to ensure measurements down to 0 Volts. Follow the manufacturer
instructions for operation of the battery and Load components.
The object of testing & troubleshooting Loads is to confirm that all components are within
their safe operating ranges, to determine what their actual operating conditions are and to
uncover problems.
Example load tests are:
Does the ESC deliver the maximum allowed current to the motor?
How much current and power is delivered at various throttle settings?
Is too much current being drawn from the battery?
Is too much current or power being passed through the ESC or the motor?
Are there unexplained current peaks or voltage minimums that indicate problems or
explain why the system has malfunctioned in the past?
How much charge and energy are consumed by the load, for the time and exercise
The usual test procedure is to connect the Load to the LOAD side of the Watt's Up and a
battery pack to the SOURCE side. While noting Watt's Up readings, exercise the system by
varying things like throttle settings, gearbox ratios, motor type, ESC setup, propeller type,
battery voltage and type, drive train type, etc.
Watt's Up allows you to collect precise measurements with which to make scientific
performance analysis of your model.
All of the Watt's Up measured values may be useful in your Load testing &
See Ah, Wh, Ap, Vm, Wp in the Data Queue
Data Queue
Capturing Current Peaks, Power Peaks and Voltage Minimums (sags)
It can be very difficult to find out why a model or a component fails. The Watt's Up ability
to capture even brief current/power peaks and voltage minimum values can help.
The Peak Amps, Peaks Watts and Voltage Minimum values will be the peaks and
minimum captured following the Watt's Up power on sequence. Be careful in adjusting test
setups to not accidentally cause a peak or voltage minimum that isn't the one you are
watching for. This might happen if, for example, you connect another component to the
system while it is measuring.
The Watt's Up's Peak Amps, Peaks Watts and Voltage Minimum values are cleared
whenever the Watt's Up turns on (i.e. is powered up). So remove all power sources when
you need to clear them for a new measurement.
See the Ap, Vm and Wp in the Data Queue
Data Queue
"Watt's Up" & "Doc Wattson" Watt Meter and Power Analyzer User's Manual
RC Electronics, Inc.