Rev: 2014.11.04.v001a
Tools &
& Adhesives Needed
Adhesives Needed
Adhesives Needed
Adhesives Needed
Small drill bits
Tape Measure and Ruler
Black Sewing Thread
Welders Glue
Hobby Knife w/new Blade
Needle Nose Pliers
Wire Cutters
Low Temp Hot Glue Gun
Course Sand Paper
Small Phillips Screw Driver
Thin & Medium CA
CA Applicator Tips
Tools shown and listed are suggestions only. Depending
on your building technique you may not need everything
indicated – and/or – you may find that other tools
available to yourself may be of benefit to your Build.
It is also recommended that you have a flat building
surface, one that will accept stick pins and push pins.
An Acrostic Ceiling panel from your local hardware store
fits this bill nicely, and will lay flat on your work table.
Over size / long push pins are available at your local
craft store. These two items are by no means required,
but will aid in the building process, and can be used for
future projects.