Rev: 2014.11.04.v001a
A good building surface is “drop ceiling” panel from a local hardware store on a nice flat board
Use parchment paper between the areas being glued and your work surface
Heavy flat objects (like books, batteries, etc.) could be used to hold everything flat
When resetting your radio, start with all the ATV’s or throw volumes at 100%.
Make sure you have set the direction of the servos correctly before attempting to trim for zero position.
If possible try the servo horns in different locations to determine which position will require the least amount of
sub trim.
Installing the servo horns in their final location and attaching quick links to the servos may make servo
installation much easier later.
On the Orange Rx, the negative pin is the one closest to the flat side of the circuit board.
Keep a good supply of sharp knife blades handy when building a foamie airplane.
Use low temp hot glue for gluing electronics, this will allow for easy removal later if necessary. The low temp hot
glue can be “released” by painting” the glue bead with an alcohol soaked cotton swab a couple times.
A business card with the corners clipped off can be used as a small square.
Allowing the Welders glue to set for five minutes before assembly will shorten the tack up time, just be sure if
doing it this way that you get the parts into position quickly, as the glue will start to bond on contact. Any joints
that you feel are going to require adjustment, it is best to assembly the pieces while the glue is wet. The Green
(high tack) masking tape works the best when used to clamp things together on an EPP foam airplane.
When gluing the rudder to the fuselage, stick pins could be used to hold in position if wanting to handle the
airframe before it is completely dry
A rotary tool with a cutting wheel could be used to produce grooves in fiber glass parts instead of coarse sand
paper. Use a hatch pattern. This creates more bonding area for the glue.