Bicycle side view right …………………..4
Handlebar fittings …………………….…5
Display ……..………..………………....6-15
Seat position ………..………………….16
Adjust saddle …………..………………17
Adjust the handlebars…………….….. 18
Safety instructions for the charger …..19
Charger functions………..……………. 20
Safety information for the battery..…….21
Handling of the battery and charger…..22
Charge the battery ……………………..23
Tire pressure ……………….……….…..24
Riding ………………………….……24-25
Support lever...………………………….25
Range….……………………………….. 25
Pushing assist………………………… 26
Brakes …………………………………..27
Turn off the bicycle……………………. 27
Safety instructions……………………..29
Remove front wheel for transport….... 29
Transport ……………………………..…29
Transport of loads ………………..……30
Bicycle car / Care products…….....…. 31
Disposal …………………………..…….32
Tire Care……………………………...... 33
Technical changes……………….…….33
Maintenance and care ………..........34-36
Cranks, pedals …………………….….....37
Steering bearings, spokes……………...38
Removing the battery……………..... 39-41
Technical data …………………..….. 42-43
Vehicle Unpacking and Assembling