UNC100 Integra Hardware Manual V1.2
RBH Access Technologies Inc.
The UNC100 has been designed as a two door access control panel with a built in local area network
interface, that can also provide a single door in/out access point.
The network interface also utilizes a POE (power over Ethernet) converter.
For ULC-S319-05
compliance, all wiring into the panel’s cabinet must enter through metal conduit.
Also be sure to mount the panel in a protected area.
Battery Charger
The battery charger routes input power from the 13.8v input source or POE module and constantly
monitors the battery voltage.
Reverse Battery Protection
A combination of a three ampere diode and a 1.6 amp thermal fuse protects against accidental
connection of a battery in the reverse direction.
Battery Test
A battery test cycle is operator initiated or scheduled. When initiated the charger is turned off and a
24Ω resistor provides a load to the battery for about ten seconds. If during this period the voltage drops
below 10 volts a battery alarm message is sent to the host, otherwise a battery normal message is sent.
Fuse Monitoring
Besides monitoring the battery voltage the UNC100 also monitors the input voltage (DC), auxiliary
voltage (aux) and the reader voltage (reader) and reports to the host whenever the state changes.
Diagnostic LED’s
The RS485 circuit has a red and green LED to indicate when a signal is received or transmitted.
Host Comms LED is a bicolour LED that turns red when receiving data from the host, and turns green
when transmitting of data.
The Run LED will flash slowly when connected to the host and quickly when not connected.
The Trouble LED will flash when there is a power problem such as a low battery or low auxiliary power is
Tamper Detection
A tamper wire may be connected to JP1 located close to the center of the board. A short to this input is
normal and an open is alarm.