the responsibility of the user to periodically inspect the brake pads for
excess wear and misalignment. If you do not understand how to adjust
or realign the brake pads, we strongly recommend you seek the help of
a qualified mechanic. If the brakes are not properly adjusted the brakes
may fail and you can be seriously injured.
6H. Pedals, cranks and front wheel drive.
The crankarms and pedals
are supplied in the small parts box and must be installed.
The crank
marked L goes on the left side and the crank marked R goes on
the right side (when sitting in the seat)
. Assemble as shown in the
sequence below. Tighten securely.
Figure 14a Figure 14b Figure 14c
NOTE: The pedal marked “L” and the corresponding crank arm
have “backward” or reverse threads. To install and tighten the pedal
marked “L” you turn it counterclockwise, which is the reverse direction
from normal. Attempting to install an R pedal in the left side crank arm
or the L pedal in the right-side crank arm will ruin the pedals and the
cranks and could seize the pedals in the cranks.
Figure 15a. Tightening a left-hand pedal
15b. Tightening a right-side pedal with a normal
with a reverse thread.
NOTE: Pedals threaded into the wrong crankarm are
considered operator error and not covered under the Razor
Limited Warranty.