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BT240S 3KW 2D Laser Cutting Head User Manual
2. The 2.5 mm internal hexagonal wrench can be used to loosen or tighten the adjusting screw until the
light beam is in the middle of the nozzle.
Make sure that the laser beam exits the center of the nozzle. One common method is tape dotting:
1. Take a piece of transparent tape and flatten it directly under the end face of the center hole of
the nozzle;
2. Turn on the red light inside the laser to find and observe the position of red light relative to the
center of the nozzle. Adjust the screw to make the red light spot to the relative central position of the
3. The next step is to turn on and adjust the power range of the laser generator from 80W to 100W,
and perform manual dotting;
4. Tear off the adhesive tape to check whether the hole is located in the center of the nozzle;
5. Repeat the above steps to find the best relative nozzle center position of the light beam;
Such center-regulation requires a series of adjustments, which is the basic operation of any laser
2.6 Adjust the Focus Position
BT240S is configured with a focusing rotating scale ring, which is used to move the focus position
to optimize laser cutting technology. The lens have 20mm reciprocating stroke. Before cutting, it is
necessary to confirm the focal point. When leaving factory, the "zero focus" also corresponds to the
window "0" and the rotating ring scale "0". There are many ways to find the focal point, one of which
is to apply masking paper directly under the nozzle of the laser cutting head:
1. Directly adjust the laser head to the 0 scale ("ex-factory zero focus"), that is, the window scale
is adjusted to "0". At this time, the scale of the rotating ring should be 0.
2. Adjust the scale of the focal length compass, adjust from +2 to -2, laser power is recommended
to be 80-100w;
3. Then open the laser and drill a hole on the masking paper within 0.5mm each move (the smaller,
Figure 5-2 QBH Beam Center-regulating