Raymarine ST5000 Plus Скачать руководство пользователя страница 77


ST5000 Plus SailPilot Owner’s Handbook

To perform the deviation correction:


Make sure that the autopilot is in Standby mode.


Press and hold the 


key for 2 seconds to display the User

Setup entry page.




is displayed, you need to turn off the lock feature

contained in Dealer Setup (see Chapter 4).


Press the 


key to move on to the Swing Compass page.



Press the 




 key to change the setting from 




. The

Turn Boat page is then displayed.



Keeping the boat speed below 2 knots, turn your vessel in slow
circles. It should take at least 3 minutes to complete 360°.


14/06/99, 10:17


Содержание ST5000 Plus

Страница 1: ...Distributed by Any reference to Raytheon or RTN in this manual should be interpreted as Raymarine The names Raytheon and RTN are owned by the Raytheon Company...

Страница 2: ...ST5000 Plus SailPilot Owner s Handbook Document number 81136 4 Date May2001...

Страница 3: ......

Страница 4: ...Preface i Rudder Reference Unit ST5000 Plus Control Head Boat s Electrical Distribution Panel SailPilot Fluxgate Compass SeaTalk Instruments D3559 1...

Страница 5: ...To the best of our knowledge the information contained within this handbook was correct as it went to press A great deal of care has been taken to ensure that this handbook is as accurate as possible...

Страница 6: ...Using Auto mode 5 Engaging the Autopilot Auto 5 Disengaging the autopilot Standby to return to hand steering 5 Changing course in Auto mode 6 Dodging obstacles in Auto mode 6 Returning to the previou...

Страница 7: ...ating a dodge manoeuvre 18 Cancelling a dodge manoeuvre 18 Safety 18 Position confirmation at the start of a passage 19 Verifying computed positions 19 Plot frequency 19 Setting waypoints 19 General 1...

Страница 8: ...rm 27 Man overboard MOB 27 Chapter 4 Customising the ST5000 Plus 29 4 1 User setup 29 Compass deviation correction 31 Deviation display 31 Heading alignment 31 Heading mode 31 Bar selection 31 Data pa...

Страница 9: ...5 2 Control head 43 Siting 43 Mounting procedure 43 Surface mounting 44 Flush mounting 45 Cable connectors 46 Power supply connection 46 Connection to the SeaTalk bus 47 SeaTalk Cables 47 Cable Types...

Страница 10: ...59 6 1 Functional test 59 Switch on 59 Operating sense 60 Navigation interface GPS Decca Loran 60 Wind transducer interface 61 SeaTalk interface 61 6 2 Dockside procedure 62 6 3 Initial sea trial 62 E...

Страница 11: ...viii ST5000PlusSailPilotOwner sHandbook...

Страница 12: ...wtomakeadjustmentstocustomise theautopilottoyourparticularvessel Chapter5 Explainshowtoinstallyourautopilotanditscomponents Chapter6 Coversfunctionaltestinganddocksideproceduresafter installation andi...

Страница 13: ...kedautopilotheadingsteersyouclearofallobstacles Make properallowanceforTidalSet theautopilotcannot EvenwhenyourautopilotislockedontothedesiredTrackusinga radionavigationreceiver alwaysmaintainalogandm...

Страница 14: ...avigator GPS Decca Loran transmittingNMEA0183data Therearefouroperatingmodes Standby Autopilotdisengaged Auto Autopilotengagedandlockedontoaheading Track Autopilotmaintainsatrackbetweentwowaypointscre...

Страница 15: ...riveunit highcurrentFETdrive Currentconsumption Standby 60 mA lessthan200 mAwithfulllighting Auto between0 5 Aand1 5 Adependingondrivetype boattrim helmloadandsailingconditions Operatingtemperature 0...

Страница 16: ...ress for Standby mode Course Change Keys Port 1 Starboard 1 Port 10 Starboard 10 STANDBY plus AUTO Press for Vane mode 1 plus 1 Press for Response level 1 plus 10 Press together for AutoTack to starbo...

Страница 17: ...on Indicator Thebargraphatthebottomofthedisplayisnormallyarudderbar Ifithasbeensetasadirection to steerindicator thedisplaydepends onthecurrentmode asfollows Mode Bar Standby Rudder bar for systems wi...

Страница 18: ...rience thatcan ifyou arenotcareful leadto therelaxation ofthe permanentwatch ApermanentwatchMUSTbemaintainedno matterhowcleartheseamayappeartobe Remember alargeshipcantraveltwomilesinfiveminutes just...

Страница 19: ...thascontrol Example a30 coursechangetoport press 10threetimes Dodging obstacles inAuto mode Inordertoavoidanobstaclewhenyourvesselisunderautopilot control selectacoursechangeintheappropriatedirection...

Страница 20: ...viouslockedheading LASTHDG isdisplayedfor7seconds 1 Note Adirection to steerindicatorisdisplayedto showyouthe directionthevesselwillturn 2 Toacceptthisheading andresumetheoriginalcourse pressauto once...

Страница 21: ...eystogethertotacktostarboard AutoTack to port Pressthe 1and 10keystogethertotacktoport Off course alarm Theoffcoursealarmwillsoundifthelockedautopilotheadingandthe vessel scurrentheadingdifferformoret...

Страница 22: ...adingpriortoengagingtheautopilot Course changes under autopilot control Itisimportanttounderstandtheeffectofsuddentrimchangeson steeringperformance Whenasuddentrimchangeoccurs due for example toweathe...

Страница 23: ...toheeloverexcessively Easethemainsheettravellertoleewardtoreduceheelingand weatherhelm Ifnecessary reefthemainsailalittleearly Itisalsoadvisable wheneverpossible toavoidsailingwiththewind deadasternin...

Страница 24: ...ost whenthe unit is switchedoff Thekeysarestilllitatacourtesylevelwhenthedisplaylightingisoff 2 5 Data pages Thedispkeyisusedtocycle pages ofSeaTalkorNMEAdata Once aDataPageisselected thispagebecomest...

Страница 25: ...ction5 1 Iftherequireddataforapageisnotavailable dashesaredisplayed insteadofavalue Mostdisplaysarerepeateddata andcannotbeadjusted The exceptionsaretheResponseandRudderGainpages ifselectedfor display...

Страница 26: ...el isfromaplannedtrack from a ASeaTalknavigationinstrumentorchartplotter or b Anon SeaTalknavigationsystemtransmittingdatainthe NMEA0183format thiscanbeconnecteddirectlytotheST5000 PlusNMEAinput asdes...

Страница 27: ...entlockedheading displayed Afterashortdelayfordataacquisition theWaypoint Advancealarmwillsound andthedisplaywillshowtheplanned bearingtowaypointalternatingwiththedirectioninwhichtheboat willturn Note...

Страница 28: ...owspeeds theeffectoftidalstreamsisfarmoresignificant thanit isathigherspeeds Provided thetidalflowislessthan35 of the vessel s speed no noticeable difference should occur in the performance of Track m...

Страница 29: ...alarmsoundsiftheXTEexceeds0 3nm Thedirectionoftheerrorisidentifiedasport Pt orstarboard Stb Tocancelthealarmandleavetrackmode press standbytoreturn tohandsteering orautotoreturntoAutomodeandretainthe...

Страница 30: ...Arrival Asthevesselarrivesatthetargetwaypoint thenavigationreceiver shouldselect manuallyorautomatically thenexttargetwaypoint TheST5000Plusdetectsthenewtargetwaypointnumber soundsthe WaypointAdvancea...

Страница 31: ...e manner the alarm will continue to sound and the current heading will be maintained Dodges Fullcontrolisstillavailablefromthekeypadwhentheautopilotisin Trackmode Initiatingadodgemanoeuvre InTrackmode...

Страница 32: ...eachtrack Checkupto0 5 nmeachsideofthetracktoensurethatthereareno hazardswithinthezone Note In order for the waypoint advance function to work successfully the last four characters of adjacent waypoin...

Страница 33: ...rentwindangle TheboatheadingisadjustedbytheST5000Plustomaintainthe lockedapparentwindangle Adjusting the locked wind angle Thelockedwindanglecanbeadjustedbychangingcourseusingthe 1 1 10and 10keys Fore...

Страница 34: ...lwillturn 2 Checkthatitissafetoturnontothiscourse 3 Toacceptthisapparentwindangle pressstandbyandauto togetherwithin7seconds Ifyoudonotacceptthepreviouswindwithinthistime the autopilotwilllockontothec...

Страница 35: ...henewapparentwindangle UsingAutoTack inVane mode Theautomatictackfunctiontacksthevesselthroughasetangle the factorydefaultis100 Thelockedheadingcanthenbeadjusteduntil therequiredapparentwindangleisach...

Страница 36: ...elevelandruddergain as specifiedinDealerSetup arerestoredwheneverthesystemispowered on Changing the response level AutoSeastate Theresponselevelcontrolstherelationshipbetweentheautopilot s coursekeepi...

Страница 37: ...Alarms Thissectionsummarisesthealarms inorderofpriority thatare reportedbythe ST5000Plus Pressstandbytoclearanalarmandreturntohandsteering unless otherwisestated SeaTalkfailure STLKFAIL Thissilentalar...

Страница 38: ...ducerfails theautopilotisunabletoturntherudder Thisoccursiftheweather loadonhelmistoohigh oriftherudderpositionispastthepreset rudderlimitsortherudderend stops Datanotreceived NODATA Thisalarmisdispla...

Страница 39: ...splaysthebearingtothenextwaypointandthedirectioninwhichthe boatwillturntotakeupthatbearing Checkthatitissafetoturnontothenewtrack andpresstrackto acceptthewaypointadvance Alternatively tocancelthealar...

Страница 40: ...ilencethealarmandresetthetimerto 4minutes Pressinganyotherkeyresetsthetimerandperforms thekey snormalfunction 4 ToclearWatchmode pressdisptodisplayadifferentpage or pressstandby Note You cannot engage...

Страница 41: ...28 ST5000PlusSailPilotOwner sHandbook...

Страница 42: ...hcanbeusedtopreventaccidentalaccessto UserandIntermediateSetup TheST5000Plusiscalibratedatthefactorytoprovidestable performanceformostyachts Althoughmanyofthesetupand calibrationfeaturesavailableinthe...

Страница 43: ...30 ST5000PlusSailPilotOwner sHandbook 1 1 OR Adjusting User Setup Values...

Страница 44: ...screenisusedtoaligntheautopilotcompass withtheship scompass Steeryourvesselontoaknownheading Adjustthedisplayedheadingusingthe 1 1 10and 10keys Checktheautopilotdisplayonvariousheadingsandadjustas nec...

Страница 45: ...agesavailableduring normaloperation seesection2 5 EachsetuppageinitiallyshowsthetitleDATAPAGE After1second thischangestothetitleofthedatacurrentlysetforthatpage Theavailablepagesareasfollows Data Disp...

Страница 46: ...es Datais displayedintheunitsdefinedbytheselectedpage Thedefaultsettingsare Data Default New Page Setting Setting 1 XTE Cross Track Error 2 BTW Bearing to Waypoint 3 DTW Distance to Waypoint 4 NOT USE...

Страница 47: ...factorydefaultsettingswillprovidesafeperformancefor theinitialseatrial andfinetuningisnotnormallyrequired TheflowchartonthefollowingpageshowsyouhowtoenterDealer Setup scrollthroughthesetupdisplays adj...

Страница 48: ...Chapter4 CustomisingtheST5000Plus 35 1 1 OR D3583 1a...

Страница 49: ...Align Rudder 7to 7 0 Rudder limit 15to40 30 Offcoursealarm 15to40 20 AutoTack angle 40to125 100 AutoTrim OFF 1to4 3 Drive type 1 soft drive or 1 2 hard drive Variation 30to 30 0 AutoAdapt N S OFF OFF...

Страница 50: ...ludesarudderreferenceunit 1 Manuallycentrethehelm Thereportedrudderangleisindicated ontherudderbargraphicatthebottomofthescreen 2 Adjusttheoffset usingthe 1and 1keys untiltherudder positionisshownasce...

Страница 51: ...ratesifthepilotstraysoff coursebymorethanthealarmanglelimitformorethe20seconds The valuemustbewithin15 to40 andcanbeadjustedin1 steps AutoTack angle TheAutoTackangleistheanglethroughwhichthevesselwill...

Страница 52: ...DecreasetheAutoTrimleveliftheautopilotgivesunstablecourse keepingorexcessivedriveactivitywithachangeintheheelangle IncreasetheAutoTrimleveliftheautopilotreactsslowlytoa headingchangeduetoachangeintheh...

Страница 53: ...ntlatitude tothenearestdegree Note IfvalidlatitudedataisavailableviaSeaTalkorNMEA itwillbe used instead of this calibration value Rudder damping Setthisoptionifyoursystemincludesarudderreferenceunitan...

Страница 54: ...installationisrequiredtoensurethatperformanceisnotcompromised Althougheveryefforthasbeentakentoensurethattheywillperform underallconditions itisimportanttounderstandwhatfactorscould affecttheoperatio...

Страница 55: ...inthesameposition Suppression Ferrites Thefollowingillustrationshowsthetypicalrangeofsuppression ferritesfittedtoRaymarineequipment Alwaysusetheferritesspecified byRaymarine Connections to other equip...

Страница 56: ...ipment Mountedwithsufficientspacebehindthebulkheadtoinstallthe cables Note The back cover is designed to breath through the cable boss to prevent moistureaccumulation Thismustbe protectedfrom the weat...

Страница 57: ...mm 5 32 in diameterholesforthefixingstuds 4 Usea90 mm 3 5 in diametercuttertodrilltheholeforthecable boss 1 5 Peel off the protective sheet from the self adhesive gasket 4 then stick the gasket into p...

Страница 58: ...el off the protective sheet from the self adhesive gasket 4 then stick the gasket into position on the rear of the control head bezel D4585 1 5 3 4 6 1 5 Screw the two fixing studs 1 into the threaded...

Страница 59: ...boot incorrectfittingwillgiveintermittentcontact whichwillleadtofaultyautopilotoperation Power supply connection Thecontrolheadrequiresitsowndedicatedpowersupply Itcannot sourcepowerfromSeaTalk andmus...

Страница 60: ...ng slower response to course changes and corrections Connection to the SeaTalk bus SeaTalkcablesarenotsuppliedwiththeequipment asdifferent installationshavedifferentcablingrequirements SeaTalkCables T...

Страница 61: ...92 1 SeaTalk Bus Power Supply Autopilot Control Head rear 5 3 Fluxgate compass Correctpositioningofthefluxgateiscrucialifultimateautopilot performanceistobeachieved Thefluxgateshould tominimisegimbald...

Страница 62: ...aringcompassshouldbefixedinthechosen positionandthevesselswungthrough360 Differencesbetweenthehandbearingcompassandthemain steeringcompassshould ideally notexceed20 onanyheading Mounting location for...

Страница 63: ...ing the fluxgate compass Attachthefluxgatecompasstoabulkheadusingthefourself tapping screwsprovided Vertical D193 1 Note A label is supplied to warn people that the compass is mounted behind or below...

Страница 64: ...orcolour totheCompass terminals D3282 1 5 4 Rudder reference transducer ArudderreferencetransducerissuppliedwiththeST5000Plus SailPilot Thisdeviceprovidestheautopilotwithaccurateinformation ontheposit...

Страница 65: ...lationtoensurethetransducerarm isoppositethecableentrywhentherudderisamidships Failureto positionthearmcorrectlycouldresultindamageifthearmisdriven ontoitsendstopsbythesteeringsystem Control dimension...

Страница 66: ...Usetheself tappingscrewstosecurethetillerpintothetillerarm 4 Cutthethreadedrodtotherequiredlength 5 Screwonthelocknutsandballpinsockets 6 Pressthesocketsontothetillerpins 7 Movetherudderfromsidetoside...

Страница 67: ...usfortheSailPilotshouldbe250mm 10in Thedriveunitshould ideally becoupledtotherudderstockviaan independenttillerarm forexample EdsonandWhitlockoffera standardfitting Itispossibletocouplethedrivespushro...

Страница 68: ...beboltedtoasubstantialframe member alwaysover engineertoensurereliabilityand maintenanceofthecorrectalignment Lock washer Tiller arm Fixing bolt flange Hole dia 0 52in 13mm D761 2 1 Usingtheadaptorpin...

Страница 69: ...theclutch Useasuitablecable refertothefollowingtable toconnectthedrive unittotheST5000PlusControlhead asshown Cable length Copperarea AWG Upto2 5m 8ft 2 5 mm2 14 Upto4 m 13 ft 4 0 mm2 12 Upto6 m 19 5...

Страница 70: ...tsare showninthetableattheendofthissection Cabling TheNMEAdataportisontherearoftheST5000Plusandshouldbe connectedtoaPositionTransducerorWindInstrument Red Data In ve Blue Data In ve D3374 1 Navigator...

Страница 71: ...WV Speed Through Water VHW Depth DBT Water Temperature MTW Note The autopilot only decodes the last four characters of waypoint names Therefore if long waypoint names are used the last four characters...

Страница 72: ...edwiththerudder Initialseatrial toswingthecompassandaligntheheading check theautopilot soperationandchecktheruddergain Furthercustomisationcanbeperformedaftertheseatrial asdescribed inChapter4 6 1 Fun...

Страница 73: ...ive back or starts to hunt back and forth you need to increase the Rudder Damping option in DealerSetup seeChapter4 Navigation interface GPS Decca Loran IftheST5000Plusisinterfacedtoanavigator viaitsN...

Страница 74: ...asfollows Pressstandbyand autotogether TheST5000PlusshoulddisplaytheVanemodescreen withthe lockedwindangleandlockedheadingasshown Alternatively ifthewinddataisnotreceived theST5000Pluswill displayaNOD...

Страница 75: ...tedrudderangleisasclose tozeroaspossible Thentightentheboltsagain 4 Fineadjustment toalignthedisplayandhelmaccurately is achievedusingtheAlignrudderoptioninDealerSetup see Chapter4 However thiscannotb...

Страница 76: ...ommendedlevels asdescribedin Chapter4 Inconditionsoflightwindandcalmwater sothatautopilot performancecanbeassessedwithouttheinfluenceofstrongwinds orlargewaves Inwatersclearofanyobstructions Note At a...

Страница 77: ...User Setupentrypage D3448 1 IfCALLOCKisdisplayed youneedtoturnoffthelockfeature containedinDealerSetup seeChapter4 3 PressthedispkeytomoveontotheSwingCompasspage D3460 1 4 Pressthe 1or 1keytochangethe...

Страница 78: ...ectionprocessbypressingthedispkeyto moveontotheDEVIATIONscreen Ifyouwishtoattemptdeviationcorrectionagain youcanstep backtotheSwingCompasspageorkeeppressing disptocycle throughthecalibrationoptionsunt...

Страница 79: ...isplayed at all you should consider moving the fluxgate compass to a betterlocation 7 PressthedispkeytomoveontotheHeadingAlignmentpage D3459 1 ALIGN HDG 8 Usethe 1and 1 keys orthe 10and 10keys toincre...

Страница 80: ...een as described above Iftheaverageheadingerrorismorethan5 youshouldperformthe compassdeviationcorrectionprocedureagain circlingslowerandin movefavourableconditions Checking autopilot operation Having...

Страница 81: ...llresultin understeerwhichgivessluggishsteeringperformance B Ifthe vesseltakesalongtimetomaketheturnandthereisno overshootthentheruddersettingistoolow Theseactionsaremosteasilyrecognisedincalmseacondi...

Страница 82: ...Chapter6 PostInstallationProcedures 69 4 Onceyouhavedeterminedthecorrectsetting changethedefault RudderGainsettinginDealerSetup asdescribedin Chapter4 Customising the ST5000 Plus...

Страница 83: ...70 ST5000PlusSailPilotOwner sHandbook...

Страница 84: ...isbeingsuppliedtotheequipment AlwaysreportanyEMCrelatedproblemtoyournearestRaymarine dealer Wewilluseanysuchinformationtoimproveourquality standards Advice Shouldanydifficultiesarisewiththisproduct pl...

Страница 85: ...72 ST5000PlusSailPilotOwner sHandbook...

Страница 86: ...comeonto course Ruddergaintoolow Vesselovershootswhenturningontoanewcourse Ruddergaintoohigh TheautopilotappearstobeunstableinTrackmode ortrack holding is slow Iftidespeedexceeds35 ofboatspeed andboat...

Страница 87: ...towaypointinformationreceivedfromthenavigator Aseriesofrotatingdashesaredisplayedonscreen Compassdeviationcorrectionisrunning Thedisplayshowsaseriesofstationarydashes Dataisnotbeingreceived checktheca...

Страница 88: ...mode 22 AutoTrim Default setting 38 B Bar graph 4 C Cabling 71 Calibration 29 40 Calibration lock 36 Changing course 6 Compass alignment 66 Compass deviation correction 31 63 Course changes 6 operati...

Страница 89: ...Engaging the autopilot 5 F Fault finding 73 Functional test 59 60 G Graph use 31 H Hand steering 5 Heading 7 Heading alignment 31 Heading alignment adjustment 67 Heading mode 31 I Illumination 10 Ins...

Страница 90: ...alarm 25 O Off Course alarm 8 Default angle 38 Operating modes 1 Operating sense 60 P Performance 23 Pilot type 36 Previous heading 7 R Response level 23 Default setting 37 Rudder bar 31 Rudder dampi...

Страница 91: ...67 Testing the system 59 60 Tidal stream compensation 16 Track acquisition 13 Track mode 13 14 Turn limit 37 U User Setup 29 V Vane mode 19 20 Variation 39 W Watch alarm 26 Waypoint arrival and advanc...

Страница 92: ...Machine hole 90mm 3 54in diameter Drill 5mm 3 16in Drill 5mm 3 16in Surface mount template D3441 2a...

Страница 93: ......

Страница 94: ...Shaded area to be removed TOP 109 mm Flush Mount Template 114 mm 4 holes 6 mm diameter D4437 2...

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Страница 98: ...in impeller carriers impellers impeller bearings and impeller shaft are specifically excluded from this Warranty Magnetrons Cathode Ray Tubes CRT TFT Liquid Crystal Displays LCD and cold cathode fluo...

Страница 99: ...elephone 1 800 539 5539 Ext 2333 or 1 603 881 5200 Ext 2333 Customer Support Telephone 44 0 23 9271 4713 Fax 44 0 23 9266 1228 Technical Support Telephone 1 800 539 5539 Ext 2444 or 1 603 881 5200 Ext...
