WARNING: You must use appropriate laser safety eyewear whenoperating
this device. The laser safety eyewear is selected according tothe
range of wavelengths emitted from this product. The end usermust
ensure that the laser safety eyewear used protects against
lightemitted by the device over its entire range of wavelengths.
Pleasecheck the safety labeling on the productand verify that
thepersonal protective equipment (e.g. enclosures, viewing windows
orviewports, eyewear, etc.) being utilized is adequate for the
outputpower and wavelength ranges listed on the product.
1.3 Safety Labels
These include warning labels, aperturesthrough which laser radiation
is emitted and labels of certification and identification, etc.
Specifications of these labels are as follows:
Laser Radiation Hazard
Identification Plate
Electrical Hazard
1.4 Optical Safety
Any dust on the end of the collimator assembly can burn the lens and
damage the laser.
CAUTION: If the output of the device is delivered through a lens withan
anti-reflection coating, make sure that the lens is of good qualityand
CAUTION: DO NOT emit when the protective cap is not removed, orthe laser
will be damaged.
1.5 Electrical Safety
a) Make sure your product is grounded through the PE line of the AC power
cord. Thegrounding must be firm and reliable.