Wuhan Raycus Fiber Laser Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Guide 100W
750W Ver: 1.0
set to emit.
Possible Solution
Restart the laser, if the error remains, please contact Raycus.
Err 5
Interlock Error
it occurs when interlock circuit breaks, and the laser will
be stopped and locked.
Possible Solution
Check the ‘SERVICE’ on the rear panel, the DB9 connector mated with
the interface, and the wire on PIN6 and PIN on the DB9 connector,
make sure PIN6 and PIN 7 on ‘SERVICE’ are shorted when the DB9
connector is plugged into ‘SERVICE’. Then restart the laser and check
if the ‘INTERLOCK’ error is eliminated. If the error remains, contact
Err 6
Emission Error, if the laser is correctly set to emit and there is no laser
output, the Emission Error occurs, and the laser will be stopped and
locked. This error occurs only when the laser is set to emit.
Possible Solution
Restart the laser, if the error remains, please contact Raycus.
Err 7
Reserved error code, undefined
Err 8
Supply Error 1, the supply fail or AC Input flicks may cause the error,
and the laser will be stopped and locked.
Possible Solution
Restart the laser, if the error remains, please contact Raycus.
Err 9
Supply Error 2, over-current or over-voltage in the supply will cause the
error, and the laser will be stopped and locked.
Possible Solution
Restart the laser, if the error remains, please contact Raycus.
In addition to the conditions above, you can contact Raycus for help if you have any question of
using the product or any error occurs.