55M3500MNE rev. E
Telescopic cranes with derrick pressure sensors Calibration Manual i3500
Internal peripheries
Error message
Execution process
Cause of error
Recording error
Upon startup, the system verifies
itself. Logger card. If logger option
is activated.
1- Logger card is not installed,
2- Connector has defective
soldering or is broken,
3- There is a problem with the
logger card.
Limit memory
When starting system, there is a
verification (Writing/Reading) of the
backup chip of the limit
programmed (limiter scope).
1- There is a problem with flash
memory (U52)
Load chart
Upon startup, the system does a
read verification of load chart flash
memory chip.
1- Load chart chip is not
2- Verify the kind of memory it
must be a flash memory,
3- There is a problem with flash
memory (U12).
“C” memory
Upon startup, the system does a
read/write verification of bank C
EEPROM chip. It is used as a
backup for the system’s operation
parameters. Ex. winch, number of
strands, # duty.
1- There is a problem with
EEPROM memory (U45)
Clock error
Logger option must be activated.
System regularly verifies if seconds
are moving. If time does not
change then there is a problem.
1- Verify if black plastic cap is
installed on logger card
(contains battery crystal),
2- There is a problem with the
logger card.
“A” memory
Upon startup, the system does a
read verification of bank A
EEPROM chip. It is used as a
backup for calibration data.
1- There is a problem with
memory EEPROM (U44)
RAM memory
Upon startup, the system does a
read/write verification of RAM chip.
This is a volatile memory.
1- There is a problem with RAM
memory (U3). With Logger
option, the cause is RAM
memory (U5).
- if system is behaving
- if system initializes often
during operation mode,
- if system never starts.
Not calibrated
There is no calibration for selected
1- Unloaded hoist calibration
(empty) and unloaded
deflection must be done.