Raychem-IM-H58033-XLTracePipeFreezeProtectionCOM-EN 18/01
Commissioning and Preventive
Thermal Management requires a series of commis-
sioning tests be performed on the XL-Trace system.
These tests are also recommended at regular inter-
vals for preventive maintenance. Results must be
recorded and maintained for the life of the system,
utilizing the “Installation and Inspection Record”
(refer to Section 9). Submit this manual with initial
commissioning test results to the owner.
A brief description of each test is found below.
Detailed test procedures are found in Section 7.
Visual Inspection
Visually inspect the pipe, insulation, and connections
to the heating cable for physical damage. Check
that no moisture is present, electrical connections
are tight and grounded, insulation is dry and sealed,
and control and monitoring systems are operational
and properly set. Damaged heating cable must be
Insulation resistance
Insulation Resistance (IR) testing is used to verify
the integrity of the heating cable inner and outer
jackets. IR testing is analogous to pressure testing a
pipe and detects if a hole exists in the jacket.
Circuit length Verification (Capacitance Test)
The installed circuit length is verified through a
capacitance measurement of the XL-Trace heat-
ing cable. Compare the calculated installed length
against the system design. If the calculated length
is shorter than the system design, confirm all con-
nections are secure and the grounding braid is