Raychem-IM-H58033-XLTracePipeFreezeProtectionCOM-EN 18/01
Power Supply and Electrical
Voltage rating
Verify that the supply voltage is either 120 or
208–277 volts as specified by the XL-Trace system
design and printed on the jacket of the heating
Circuit Breaker Sizing
Circuit breakers must be sized using the heating
cable lengths shown in the Appendix. Do not exceed
the maximum circuit length shown for each breaker
size. Use circuit breakers that incorporate 30-mA
ground-fault circuit protection, or provide equivalent
levels of ground-fault protection.
electrical loading
The maximum current draw for XL-Trace heating
cables is shown in the Appendix. To size the trans-
former, multiply the total heating cable length (ft) by
the appropriate current draw.
ground-Fault Protection
If the heating cable is improperly installed or physi-
cally damaged to the point that water contacts the
bus wires, sustained arcing or fire could result.
If arcing does occur, the fault current may be too
low to trip conventional circuit breakers. Thermal
Management and national electrical codes require
both ground-fault protection of equipment and a
grounded metallic covering on all heating cables.
Ground-fault protection must be provided by the
WarnIng: To minimize the danger of fire from
sustained electrical arcing if the heating cable is
damaged or improperly installed, and to comply with
Thermal management requirements, agency certifi-
cations, and national electrical codes, ground-fault
equipment protection must be used on each heating
cable branch circuit. arcing may not be stopped by
conventional circuit breakers.
WarnIng: Disconnect all power before making
connections to the heating cable.