RAY User Guide
RAY Interface Basics
6 –
Dials the number that you entered.
7 –
Delete Number:
Clears the entire number that you entered.
8 –
Delete Last Digit:
Erases the last digit of the number that you entered.
Text Entry
Text Entry
Text Entry
Text Entry Using Speech Recognition
Using Speech Recognition
Using Speech Recognition
Using Speech Recognition
You can use RAY’s speech recognition option, as follows:
When the alphanumeric screen is first displayed,
RAY is in
recognition listening mode until you touch the screen with your fingers.
You can now say the letters or words (even complete sentences and
complete number). Following one second of silence, RAY will translate the
vocal impression into textual information and will reads it out.
Please note that speech recognition requires on-line connectivity to the
internet server for accurate translation.
To make a phone call using speech recognition:
To make a phone call using speech recognition:
To make a phone call using speech recognition:
To make a phone call using speech recognition:
Open the dialer or keyboard screen
RAY says
Dialer or Keyboard
and a 12-key dialing keypad appears, as
shown below:
Figure 14: Dialer