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Raveon Technologies Corp.
12. Debug Related Commands
Bench Testing
(Must be in command mode to test. Enter +++ at the keyboard to put unit into config/test mode.)
Various transmit test routines.
0 = Go back to normal mode. Stops the test.
1 = Random data transmit.
2 = Hop up/down one channel
3 = Force PLL to fast lock mode
4 = Transmit all 0s
5 = Transmit all 1s
6 = Enable the test points on the PCB.
7 = Transmit CW on center of channel
8 = Transmit preamble (101010 pattern)
Display an overview of the configuration.
Ping xxxx
Ping another modem over the air. Transmits a request to xxxx to see if
xxxx can hear the sending station. If it does, it answers with a response
transmission, containing its ID and the signal strength of the reception. .
Display statistics of how the modem is working.