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Raveon Technologies Corp.
mode, and
selects POCSAG paging receiver command. With
set to -1, the
command will always determine the
protocol the M8S is using.
Hardware Select:
Issue the
command to set the Alternate
Protocol to paging decode. When
is set to any number other
than -1, the M8S will use input pin number 15 to select between two
possible protocols. Protocol numbers are: 0=data radio, 3= POCSAG
decode. Pull input pin 15 high, enabling the alternate protocol.
The factory default configuration is ATMA 3 and ATMT 0.
7.1. Setting Cap Codes
Cap Codes are the “ID” of the paging receiver. When a paging message is
receive dover-the-air with a cap code that matches any one of the M8S
configured cap code registers, the M8S will receive the paging message. The
M8S has multiple cap code registers. To configure a cap code register, use the
CC x command, where x is the cap code register number. Setting a cap code to
-1 or 0 disables the particular cap code.
For example, to configure the M8S to receive pages sent to cap code 12345,
issue the following command:
CC 1 12345
By factory default, the cap code is set to 12345, and all other cap code registers
are disabled. If you issue the AT&F command, the cap codes will be reset to
factory defaults.
For test purposes, the promiscuous receive mode may be enabled using the PM
x command. If
is set to PM 1, then the cap codes are ignored, and the M8S
will receive all paging messages.
7.2. Setting Paging Data Format
Pagers are generally either numeric, alpha-numeric, or tone. Most paging
transmitters specify the type of pager message they are sending, by setting the
function bits in the pager message. If they do, then the M8S can be set to
automatically select paging format.
If the user wishes to force the M8S to decode messages in a particular format,
then set the data format manually using the DF command.
DF 0
DF 1
DF 2
DF 3
(auto select).
7.3. Numeric Messages
When the pager receives a numeric page, it outputs the numeric digits via its
RXD output pin on the I/o connector. The baud rate of the serial port is set with
command. The outputted characters are ACSII representations of the
BCD numeric digits.