Atlas PT Technical Manual
Symptom: Long delay before transmitting
Solution #1: Verify that serial port timeout is OK. The ATR3 command sets the number
of milliseconds that the RV-M7 will look for in the serial input data stream. If a pause
greater than this value happens, the modem will transmit. If the ATG0 parameter is set
very large, say 2000, this means 2 seconds, and the modem may simply be waiting a
long time. Typical settings for this parameter are 20 (20mS).
Solution #2: This is normal. A TDMA radio will wait until its assigned TDMA slot is
ready before it will send data. A delay in transmission of the TDMATIME is normal.
Symptom: Cannot enter Command Mode
Solution #1: Verify the serial port baud rate. This is difficult if it is set wrong, because
you cannot enter Command mode to check it. Try all possible baud rates, and see if
one of them works with the modem. Alternately, remove the rear cover of the modem,
and press the CONFIG button. This will force the modem into Command mode, as well
as set the serial port to 9600 baud, 8 data bits, one stop, and no parity. If the baud-rate
was OK, verify the AT, BT and CT times, that they are long enough for you to enter the
+++ string.
Solution #2: Handshaking. You may have hardware handshaking enabled on your
terminal program, but the hardware or cable may not support it. Disable hardware
handshaking on your terminal program to verify this is the issue.
Solution #3: Deep Sleep. If the TXRATE is greater than 60 seconds, the unit may be
put into a very deep sleep mode, and will not enter the command mode. You must first
turn the unit off, and back on to put it into Command mode.
Symptom: Repeater will not repeat.
Solution #1:
Verify the repeater’s Unit ID is unique. An RV-M7 configured to be a
repeater will not repeat messages it originated. If other units in the system have the
same ID as the repeater, the repeater will not repeat them because it thinks that it
originated the transmission. Set the MYID of the repeater to a unique ID number.
Solution #2: Verify the KEYPHRASE is correct. If encryption is used, the
KEYPHRASE is set to a unique word, and must be the same in all radios in the system.
If it is not used in the radio system, then the KEYPHRASE in all units must be disabled
or left at the factory default. To disable encryption, use the KEYPHRASE 0 command.
The factory default KEYPHRASE is RAVEON, in all capital letters.
Symptom: Transmits position, but no data.
Solution #1: Verify DATAMUTE is not enabled. DATAMUTE disables data
transmission. It must be set to 0 for serial port data transmission or WMX transmit data.
Solution #2: Verify SLOTTIME is long enough. The TDMA slot time must be long
enough for data to be transmitted in. Adjust the system slot time (SLOTTIME), or give
the particular unit an extra slot using the SLOTQTY command.