1 Accessory bag (owner’s manual, valve body and vinyl
repair patches)
Inflating and Set Up Instructions
Do not use air compressors or compressed air to inflate. Use of an
air compressor or over-inflation can rupture the product beyond
repair, voiding the warranty.
Step 1
Lay the kayak face up on a flat surface.
Make sure there are no sharp objects
under the product which might puncture
the tarpaulin cover or vinyl bladder.
Step 2
Screw the valve body into the valve base
(located under the flap at the rear of the
kayak) and tighten firmly. Unscrew the top
Step 3
Use only the hand pump provided to inflate kayak. Inflate
until the cover is tight and product feels firm. Do not use an
air compressor to inflate your kayak. Use of a compressor
can quickly over-inflate and rupture the kayak bladder.