NKI1480B DAX60 and DAX120 Amplifiers—Installation
Page 4 of 18 (Jul-98)
General Information
The Rauland DAX Series amplifiers are designed for use with Rauland's
institutional program and communication Systems. They offer high-quality sound
and dependability. They can be driven to their rated power output by an input
signal as low as 0.3 volts. Their transformer-isolated, 25-volt balanced output
matches the output of Rauland's communication panels; they also have a 70.7-volt
balanced output. Their outputs can operate with a split center tap with Rauland's
5000 and Responder
3000 systems. The amplifiers are listed by
Underwriters Laboratories.
The DAX amplifiers offer helpful power connections for related equipment: three
120-VAC three-pin grounded outlets, and a floating auxiliary DC power output (28
VDC, 1.2 A) that can be used for Rauland's Director Series control panels,
preamplifiers, graphic equalizer, and other equipment.
The amplifiers come with black-enamel face panels. Optional brushed-chrome
dress panels-the RP2525 (DAX6O) and RP2700 (DAX12O)—are available.
Revision History
This manual has been reformatted. No substantial changes were made during the
reformatting process.