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Air filter service
Table-top units type 6 x 1/1 GN, 6 x 2/1 GN, 10 x 1/1
GN and 10 x 2/1 GN:
Loosen the air filter by pressing the frame in the two
roughened spots. Tilt the filter down and remove it
completely from the unit.
Clean the air filter in the dishwasher (not with CleanJet
!) and then allow it to dry. If the air filter is still very
sticky and soiled after cleaning it will have to be
Then insert the air filter with the rear hooks in the holes
on the underside of the unit first, and then lock in place
by pushing from bottom to top (opposite procedure to
removing the filter).
Air filter no.: 40.03.461
Floor units type 20 x 1/1 GN and 20 x 2/1 GN:
Please contact your Service partner for replacement of
the air filters on the floor units 20 x 1/1 GN and 20 x 2/1